Have you ever wondered whether your computer is 32 bit or 64 bit?
No…I am not talking about the Operating System. Its very easy to check the OS for 32 or 64 bit. Just go to the System properties and look for System Type. But this is not about Operating System. A 32 bit operating system can run on a 64 bit processor. What about the processor?
Try these methods to check your processor capability.
- Go to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsPerformance Information and Tools (If you cannot locate All Control Panel Item, open control panel and simply copy this path and paste it in the top address bar)
Here locate “View and print the detailed performance and system information”.
Now click on it. Another window pops up. Here you can easily the details of your system. Look for System Type.
- Another method: Go to Start and type in the search bar msinfo32. Choose the application. And here look for System Type. If its x64 then it is 64bit and if it is x86 then 32 bit.
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