Its a dirty cyberworld. And with the advancement of technology advanced are the dangers. On an unsecure wi-fi connection hacking facebook is child’s play. You might have heard of “Firesheep” add on of Firefox which enables to login in to others’ opened facebook account on the same network. Apart from that, packet sniffers can also be used to steal your password on the fly. Man in the middle attacks are also very popular in the same sense.
One of the most easy way to avert any of the above attack is to use safe browsing with https(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) which is an enhanced secure version of the popular http protocol. Till now https was mainly used for secure payment transaction over internet but recently Facebook and twitter added the option of secure browsing to avoid increased compromising of their user accounts.
- To enable this feature, go to your “Account Settings” on the top right corner.
- In “Settings” tab look for “Account Security“
- Click on “change“
- Tick on the “Secure Browsing (https)“
- Save it.
At least this will keep your facebook account safe on your network.
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