How to enable Google +1

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Google’s new offering Google +1 is the counterpart of Facebook like button. As it was expected long back that Google will try something like that to make its searches more person oriented. And here we are with Google +1. It is still a lab feature and is not available by default. But of course you can enable it in your Google profile. Follow these simple steps:

  • Login in to your Google account (Login in to gmail and then use Google without signing out).
  • Follow this link on Google Labs and click on Join this experiment:
  • Now search something on Google. You can see the +1 sign besides that preview icon. If you hover the cursor over, it sparkles.
  • You can click on the +1 symbol. The +1ed searches/sites are stored on your Google profile. If you don’t have a Google profile, then when you click on it, Google will give you an option to create Google profile. Click on Create profile and +1.
  • To see what sites you +1ed you can go to your profile by clicking on the drop down with your name on the top right corner and there select view profile. In your profile choose +1’s tab. You can see all the sites here.

KIM (Keep In Mind): The Google +1 buttons are only available in Google searches. They are yet to implement on different websites like a Facebook like button. You won’t see the +1 button if you search on Bing or Yahoo or search from your browser (even if it uses Google), not for now at the least. Apart from your +1 choices, it also takes into account the +1ed sites by your friends and modifies the search accordingly. Privacy options are available to tweak the settings.

I hope you +1ed this post when you searched for it. Questions and suggestions are always welcomed. Enjoy :)