Troubleshooting FreeRADIUS

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Recently I was working with FreeRADIUS to do PEAP authentication. I went under a lot of trouble from installing to configuring the FreeRADIUS. Thankfully, I noted down the problems I encountered and the solution I followed. This is not a complete guide for FreeRADIUS installation but provides you with possible solution to a few errors.


While executing radiusd -X, it may throw the following error:

radiusd: error while loading shared libraries:

cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The reason for this error is that the libraries have been installed in a place where dynamic linker cannot find it. To solve this problem use this command:

sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v


While running in debug mode the RADIUS server may give the following error:

Ignoring EAP-Type/tls because we do not have OpenSSL support.

[eap] Request found, released from the list

[eap] EAP NAK

[eap] NAK asked for unsupported type PEAP

[eap] No common EAP types found.

[eap] Failed in EAP select

++[eap] returns invalid

Failed to authenticate the user.

The reason for this error is that open ssl dev library “libssl-dev” is not installed. Install the library (sudo apt-get install libssl-dev) and re-configure (by running configure, make and make install) FreeRADIUS server.


Running the RADIUS server may also result in the following error:

Error: Failed binding to authentication address * port 1812: Address already in use /usr/local/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf[240]: Error binding to port for port 1812

The reason for this error is that another instance of radius is running and has occupied the port.

See which radius process is running:

ps aux | grep radius

And then kill that process:

sudo kill -9 process_id


While running the RADIUS sever it may also throw an error: “no soh-server”. To solve it, copy “soh” file in /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-available to /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled.

I hope it helped you. Questions and suggestions are welcomed. Enjoy :)

  • ankita

    we have installed freeradius server and it was working pretty well and did performed all the radtest ( even the radclient) correctly now when we are configuring aclient to it and then running the server it is givin us the message as : failed binding address 192.168.*.* to the port 1812: cannot assign the requested address.

    we have even checked for any other process using that particular port and even tried changing the port number but all in vain…

    • Abhishek Prakash

      This is strange. Problem here is very much clear. The port already in use. But as you said, you made sure that port is free and it still did not work, does not make sense to me honestly. Its been over 2 years since I used FreeRADIUS so I won’t be really help you here. You may visit the FreeRADIUS forum for further help.

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  • .saddam Saddam Zemmali

    salut tous monde est ce que vous pouvez maidez sur cette probleme lors de l’installation de Freeradius

    root@ubuntu:/home/zemmali/openssl-1.0.0h# sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
    E: Impossible de verrouiller /var/lib/dpkg/lock – open (11: Ressource temporairement non disponible)
    E: Impossible de verrouiller le répertoire d’administration (/var/lib/dpkg/). Il est possible qu’un autre processus l’utilise.

    merci pour vos attentions

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  • Pingback: How to solve: error while loading shared libraries « Computer And You()

  • thanks

    Thanks for this (sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v) buddy, freeradius returned error while running, radiusd -X

    HOwever, the debian packages made from the same source worked fine which is (freeradius -X)

    • Abhishek Prakash

      You are welcome