Review: Midori, A browser faster than Google Chrome

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There are a number of web browser available now a days. With the leader being Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari. With these browsers fighting for the user share it seems difficult for a new browser to make waves in to cyber world. But if a product has merit then its quite unlikely that it will go unnoticed. Such a thing is Midori, an open source extremely light web browser (still in alpha state but works quite good even in alpha state) developed by a Japanese firm (Midori means Green in Japanese Language). Midori is exclusive for Linux only and is not available to download on Windows. You can install Midori using apt-get:

sudo apt-get install midori


  • Extremely light, takes very less time to start
  • Loads web pages in a flash, fast rendering
  • Full integration with GTK+ 2
  • Tabbed browsing
  • Private browsing
  • User scripts and user styles support
  • Speed dial
  • Configurable web search


  • Negligible extensions, a web browser without extension is a women without makeup i.e. ugly and useless (no offence to women)
  • Ctrl+Enter does not work for putting .com at the end (i.e. write facebook+Ctrl+Enter in the address bar to go to instead opens another tab to search (for facebook). Quite annoying. I tried to change it but could not find any settings to do it
  • Not available on Windows
  • Does not have wide support, some web-based application may not work properly

Midori is making lots of buzz in the market. This is why some of the Linux distributions (such as Bodhi Linux, Elementary OS and probably OpenSuse ) are shipping with Midori as their default browser. Since it does not eat much of the resources, it is definitely worth giving a try.

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  • Pinky’s Mom

    If the lines that offend women are a cause now for regret, edit them out. Don’t leave them there stinking up the page.

  • Robert Christopher Hayes

    It’s actually available on Windows now, but it crashes a lot. (Using it on Windows 8.1 Pro)

  • Pingback: Researched For You - Best Articles That Review Lightweight Web Browser Midori - MyLinuxBook | MyLinuxBook()

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  • Concerned Male

    “[A] web browser without extension is a women without makeup i.e. ugly and useless” — are you serious? “(no offence to women)”? How could that NOT be offensive to women? It offended me greatly, and I’m male. Please join us in the 21st century and refrain from such egregious insults to over half the planet.

    • Abhishek Prakash

      I cannot believe that I wrote those lines a year back. Shame on me…


    It’s a amazing technology.Faster browsing than google.

  • the rain man

    “Midori is exclusive for Linux only and is not available to download on Windows.”

    Is that so? Then explain why there are links to both a win32 archive and installer on the midori summary page.

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  • shank21101985

    thanks for the info…. wil give it a try..