My girlfriend always complains that I love my computer more than her. And I always reply, “Baby, its only a machine”. On that she often comments that if ever machines have gender my computer would be a girl. Turns out, she is right. Yes, My computer is a girl.
I found out this wonderful post which describes how can you find out the gender of your computer. To know whether your computer is male or female follow the instructions below:
- Open your notepad
- Type or copy paste: CreateObject(“SAPI.SpVoice”).Speak”I love you”
- Save as computer_gender.vbs
- Run the file.
Now, if you hear a male voice its a boy and if you hear a female voice, its a girl. And if you hear nothing then God (Bill Gates) knows what it is 😛
Note that this funny trick works on Windows and probably Mac. So, all those Linux lover out there, you can still treat your computer as your girlfriend for the time being.
Don’t forget to tell me what is your computer, a boy, a girl or a bitch 😉
P.S. I haven’t told my girlfriend about this discovery. Phew!