Google integrates Google Plus into Blogger dashboard

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The king of internet ‘Google’ does it again. I am talking about the google’s concept of integrating google+ with every other google product online. This time around it is integration of google+ into blogger dashboard.

The ritual of integrating google+ such as:

  • using google+ in Gmail where you can set google+ profile as default profile for your Gmail account
  • you can direct your blog visitors (if you use blogger platform) to google+ profile which was blogger profile earlier
  • and give a +1 on Adsense,

continues with the latest integration of google+ in to the blogger dashboard, the google’s blog platform.

Since October 2011 blogger has enabled the feature of using google+ profile over blogger profile to allow the blogger publishers to grow their audience for their blogs and intern help them to grow their google+ followers. Now this addition of g+ button in the blogger dashboard means it will be easier to share your blog updates. You no more need to copy the url to update status about your new post in google+.

What does it mean to you as a blogger?

Every time you publish a post on your blog you will get a prompt to share on google+. This will help blog publishers to notify to circles on their google plus profile about their new post on the blog. This will also allow circles to +1 and/or reshare the g+ profile updates to their own circles thus exposing the links to larger audience. Google in their official blog called this as a ripple effect. It has also been said in blogger buzz that more features will be added to google+ button on blogger.

This is the newest addition to the list of attempts from google to bring google+ and blogger together after

  • providing two google+ gadgets earlier- +1 button and google+ badge to add to blogs on blogger
  • and, giving you an option to find out which of your posts is popular and growing in demand. This is made possible by providing +1 counter on your dashboard in front of each post.

This means that you will be able to connect your brands, business, or other organization’s blog to your Google+ profile, which will bring all the identities together leading you to establish relationship with your blog and google+ followers quickly.

Start exploring this feature and stay tuned for more from gooooogle!

Could there be problems?

It is not clear though on ‘how to bring together or interconnect two or more google accounts (which I am sure most of you have) associated with different Gmail Ids to a single google+ profile?

Consider this, suppose I want to connect a single google+ profile to my blogger account and a different Gmail account (not associated with the one used for blogger) which I use extensively to mail my clients then it becomes impossible since google associates different google+ profiles to every single Gmail account!

I am sure it would be a flop idea to create different circles for every account which would bring down the basic idea of integration of google+!

What would be your suggestion in this scenario?

  • Dave

    Seems like Google Plus is copying Facebook’s social integration feature in WordPress.

    Copy cat.. mew…