Apple has almost swallowed the tablet world with its iPad. iPad has all the incredible features any tablet can ever offer to its users. It gives the most incredible experience and reliability any tablet freak may ever expect. Yet, iPad is more a luxury to invest with little ability of using it for productive work. You can browse, play, use social media, network and do business with 3G/4G connectivity and indulge in fun. If this is what you are going to use an iPad then by all means you can invest in it.
The Apple’s iPad USPs are:
- Universal compatibility with other ios devices.
- It’s all about apps. With an awesome dev support system the huge apps market on itunes brings in quality tested apps to the end users.
- No USB port or hardware connecting alternatives and hence no risk of virus infection.
- The retina display of iPad kills its competitors!
- Though expensive it gives value for money.
iPad is mostly suitable for content absorption and entertainment which can hardly be used for productive purpose; where as in a Surface tab absorption as well as production is highly possible. Really I even struggle to type an article on my iPad with so little space for ten fingers on the screen to move. A light key pad would come in handy any time. With a built-in CPU, Surface is a tablet computer and the real work for real working freaks is really possible!
The Microsoft’s surface USPs are:
- Surface is definitely going to be a hit with people who love working on laptops over tablets (anyways working on tablet is a challenge!). It is a touch screen tablet which can be easily converted to a laptop computer making it a workaholic friend on the go.
- Surface makes it easy for people who do not like to carry two devices (MacBook air and iPad).
- It has USB ports for external hardware connectivity.
- Fully loaded with office 2013 which I guess people would love to use.
However, the apps store does not look very attractive for the developers. Less number of quality apps may keep people wondering on the investment. The battery life may be a little disappointing factor if you really need to worry! Screen resolution is not very great either. But as for most of the first generation devices there are some loop holes (if I may call them so) for sure. But the OS Windows RT on surface tablet ought to do its bit in impressing the users.
You have a full-fledged touch screen mobile device i.e. iPhone 5 which also has bigger screen than its ancestor iPhone 4, then why invest in a tablet like iPad 3 or mini again! Macbook-Air falls in the league of lightest laptops which is bulkier as compared to surface. Ultimately the better option would be to consider buying a tablet come laptop i.e. Surface. Still better I would watch out for the surface-pro which is yet to be released! Surface Pro please take my money but limit it to $1000 or below!!!
Unless you have all the bucks to invest in a touchscreen phone, a tablet, a laptop and desktop it’s anytime a good idea to look for a device loaded with most of the hardware and software features of these devices.
Taking on and beating a company is another thing when the real question about usability, affordability, mobility or luxury arises. Which one are you planning to buy or think is a good investment?
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