Delete A Comment On Facebook Page Using Android Mobile Phone [Quick Tip]

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Being a Facebook page admin often puts you in delicate situation with unruly, rowdy and impolite fans on the page. You are forced to delete an unwarranted comment left on a post on your Facebook page. This is really easy when you are accessing Facebook through a web browser on your computer but you might be left wondering how to delete a comment on Facebook when you are accessing it on your mobile phone.

Lets take a look at this quick tip that lets you delete a Facebook comment from your mobile. This works on an Android phone (and I hope other touch phones as well).

Here is how to delete a comment on Facebook from mobile:

All you need to do is to go to the comment, move to its right side and then slide your fingers across it, from left to right or right to left. You will see an option popping up for delete. Click on it and the comment will be deleted from the page.


Remember that unlike the web version, this does not provide you several other options such as banning the user, hiding the comment or undoing your action. Though you can do it once you get access to the web version.

  • Ice cream sandwich

    Not since the latest update. This method doesn’t work anymore.

    • Abhishek Prakash

      I am using Ice Cream Sandwich and I can see this option on both official Android phone as well as Facebook mobile site.