How To Delete 100s Of Comments At Once In WordPress

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I was trying to design my new website Whistling Pens with Bizco theme of Themify. Apart from installing the theme, I also imported sample content in it and God it had 1200 pending comments in it. Now it would have been disastrous to delete these 1200 comments as by default you will only see 20 comments in the comments section. Lets see how can we delete 100s of comments at the same time:

Step 1:

Go to WordPress admin area and then go to Comments section from the left sidebar. In here, on the top right corner choose Screen Option.


Step 2:

If you click on the Screen Option, it will provide several options to choose or configure the fields that would be displayed on this page. Change the number of comments to (say) 200.

Wordpress-Screen-Option-2Step 3:

Now to delete these comment check the top box (in the header, just above the first comment) to select all 200 comments. Select ‘Move to trash‘ to temporarily delete them. Once done, go to trash and select “empty trash“.  And then repeat this step. Emptying the trash can be important if your server cannot take load of several comments deletion at the same time.

Enjoy :)