There were rumors about Apple planning to release an iPhone 5S later this year and now a Chinese website has posted some leaked photos of the rumored iPhone to back that up. The website posted a series of pictures showing the dimensions and design of the upcoming Apple device in various stages of production and are allegedly taken at Foxconn’s facility in China.
The leaked pictures show a pre-production version of the rumored iPhone 5S which gives us a pretty good idea of how the device is going to look like. Apple followed the iPhone 5’s design for the upcoming device with the same taller screen. According to the post, iPhone 5S will offer a minor update from the previous phone while the iPhone 6 will feature a trendy 5-inch screen.
Earlier rumors about iPhone 5S said that the upcoming device will feature a better processor, an improved camera with powerful LED flash, fingerprint sensor and color options like the latest iPod Touch. Sharp displayed its IGZO display at the CES 2013 recently in a 32-inch 4K monitor and we are expecting to see this technology in the upcoming iPhone. HTC and Sony have already unveiled their flagship smartphones with full-HD displays and Apple is also planning to feature full-HD screen in the next iPhone.
Apple recently announced a 128GB iPad so we are also expecting to see a storage bump in the iPhone 5S. According to another Chinese website, the successor to the popular iPhone 5 will be cheaper but stockier and will be available in attractive six colors. Foxconn is usually known for its top security within its manufacturing area and there is no way to confirm if the images are real or not. However, the rumor mill managed to predict almost everything perfectly last time before the release of iPhone 5 so there’s a fifty-fifty chance of these rumors coming true.
Apple is refusing to comment on these rumors as usual and according to a report by Business Insider, the next iPhone will go into production next month and will be unveiled in June. We know that the last two iPhones were released at the end of the year but it’s also true that both the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 4 were released in mid-year so we can expect to see the next iPhone in June.