Facebook may still be the king of all social networking sites but according to the stats Google+ is stepping up at a fast pace. Currently with as of January 2013, Google+ has already crushed Twitter to take its place as the second largest social networking sites. With the present stats being favorable to Google plus, there is no doubt that it has all the potential of beating Facebook to acquire the first place!
Google+ profile plays a vital role in SEO and helps rank up in search results. Google author-ship feature is yet another important aspect associated with G+ profile. So much being at stake, how could anybody ignore G+ as part of their Social Media marketing strategy?
5 tips to boost your business and marketing strategy with the help of G+:
Be the boss of Google’s Social Search– To show up more often on your followers search results include relevant keywords in your posts on G+. This also has the benefit of your G+ posts being seen on the Google search results as one of the “Personal results”.
Build your authority with Google AuthorShip– If you want more trust and higher rank from Google then Google Authorship is the right answer. To reap in more SEO benefits setup your Google Authorship immediately. When you successfully get your Authorship, your picture from your Google+ profile shows up next to your content/blog-posts in the search results and thereby increase your ranking. It is believed that, a picture and a sense of verified authority against your name will increase click-through rates bringing in more traffic to your posts/website pages.
Be short; be smart! The original URL of any Google Plus profile is actually annoying! It’s not only long like this https://plus.google.com/100713516859939672119/posts but also the number in the URL is practically impossible to remember. A unique, short and easy to remember names in the URL associated with the user’s business/brand or real name would be a smarter way to name the profile URL. To shorten the G+ profile URLs for marketing visit plus.ly.
Tweak your About page on Google+- It is important to make your marketing material on your profile SEO friendly to show up on search results. Apart from instigating your G+ visitors to click on the links to important products or services or pages on your website, you can make your About page easily rank higher in search results by including keywords in the About description. You can draw the traffic to your website or services page easily by including necessary links one by one taking the advantage of bullet style writing in About section.
- Finding the right circles to engage and add value It is amazing to see the difference in your marketing outcome once you start engaging the right audience for your business/brand. Finding your target audience can be easily done by finding the right circles to engage on G+. See what people are interested or talking about i.e. stuff related to your services. Act and respond to queries and engage with interesting matter that adds value pulling in people to your benefits. To begin, you can start adding and start experimenting on this tip.
Give us more tips that have worked well for you; we are eager to listen and experiment your marketing strategies on G+.
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