Being an ex-iPhone user and a present Galaxy S3 user, one of the things which I didn’t like was the fact that there was no notification for new emails which were skipped from my Inbox and directly sent to the folder using filters. But recently, while going through the official Android Gmail app on my Galaxy S3, I found that they provide a feature with which you can enable notification for new mails under specific folders/labels and it’s very simple to do that. Here is how to get notifications for mails in gmail folders:
Step 1:
Open the Setting Menu of Gmail app.
Step 2:
Select the account which has the folder/label for which you want to receive the notification.
Step 3:
Under “Data Usage”, select “Manage Label”. This will take you to the screen with list of labels you have on your account and you can customize the “Sync and Trigger Notification” setting.
Step 4:
Under “Manage Labels” you’ll find the list of labels you have in your Gmail account. From this list you have to select the label for which you want to get the notification. In my case, it’s “Android”.
Step 5:
When you choose the label you want to customize (in my case “Android”), you come to this screen. Here you have to choose “Sync Messages”.
Step 6:
To start syncing the mails under this label, you have to choose one of the provided sync setting. By default it’s at “Sync None”. To save data usage of your mobile, choose “Sync last 30 days”. If you are on wifi, you can use ‘Sync All” to get all previous mails under this label.
Step 7:
After configuring the Sync setting you can configure the Notification setting which was previously disabled. Check the “Notifications” box and voila, that’s done.
Once you activate the notification setting for a particular label, every time when you receive a new mail you’ll get a notification like a normal mail in your Inbox. For now, there is nothing on the default Email app of the Samsung Galaxy S3 but I hope they introduce this kind of feature soon.