Baidu Eye Aims To Compete Google Glass

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 is likely to come up with the aim to give the users a feel to wear a hands-free computer device. It allows its users to take pictures, record videos, search the exciting photos from the internet and display the weather updates. So, overall its an exciting innovation to amuse the people in this technology oriented world.

But it seems that China has decided to come up in the race of introducing some innovative and creative technology products and put behind the American search giant. Baidu–a famous Chinese search engine has recently unveiled Baidu Eye. The news has been confirmed by .

Specifications of Baidu Eye:

Some of the awesome specifications which make Baidu Eye an ultimate choice of the users include:

  • Voice recognition technology (similar to Google Glass)
  • Objects’ image recognition capacity so that the users can view the clear images of the objects around.
  • Bone-conduction technology which lets its user communicate via the spoken words.
  • It runs with Google’s Android operating system.
  • Baidu Eye is said to be built in with , with 100GB of cloud storage.
  • An ocular interface and built with LED.

Kaiser Kuo–Baidu’s director of International Communications has viewed in an interview that Baidu Eye is far much different and better than Google Glass. The better functions and multimedia options can make it an ultimate choice of millions of the users around the globe. And if nothing else, in my opinion, lower price will certainly be a USP here.

These days, the company is doing some internal testing on it now on a small scale to evaluate the future of this innovation. Now lets see whether Baidu Eye succeeds in dominating the Google Glass or not? For getting the answer, we will have to wait till it is launched.

Meanwhile, if you think you cannot afford a Google Glass or Baidu Eye, feel free to do something like this 😛

Google eye funny

  • Magalaan

    They are only saying that to stand stronger in future patent infringement allegations. All big companies claim to be working in wearable devices and smart watches, as soon as they find out Google or Apple are doing that. I am sure they are making lots of designs, but they do not have the foggiest idea what a good product format is until someone else has proved it in the market. That is where companies like Google and Apple shine. MS, Samsung, Chinese manufacturers are me-too-companies.

    Look at the iPod, there were lots of mp3-players out there, but not very successful. Companies like Nokia were making huge numbers of feature phones, but nothing like the iPhone. As soon as the word spread Apple was working on a tablet companies started to develop their own. But they were either never brought to market or quickly trashed they saw iPad. Now everyone is building lookalikes like it is the obvious format. It all looks simple once it is shown, but before that hardly anyone can envision it. Chinese companies have become very good at engineering and manufacturing, but they are still far from developing original product concepts that can conquer the market.

    It has to do with culture too, I think. Germans and Japanese make excellent designs en produce superior technology, they are perfectionists by nature. The British like to tinkle, they have lots of brilliant ideas but often fail the professionalism to make it into viable products or companies. The Americans are self-confident, they know how to get things done and enthusiastically invest in new ideas. Like the Dutch, the Chinese are tradesmen at heart, they simply do anything that makes money and easily shift to new area’s. Italian, French, Spanish and Indian people like to make things beautiful but are satisfied when it does the job. .

    • Abhishek Prakash

      Largely agree. Ideas are copied everywhere across the world. If you take a look at Baidu, it highly resembles Google. And Baidu is definitely trying to copy Google’s every step. As we all know the manufacturing capability of China, Baidu is surely to come up with a relatively cheaper version of Google Glass to target a tech savy Chinese community. The main reason for going for Baidu Eye, in my opinion, is user dominance. Google Glass will have only Google as its main search engine and Baidu eye will have Baidu. No one wants to loose the “search business”.
      Your views on culture is quite true :)

      • Magalaan

        What you say is true. I think Google Glass is far from being a viable product at this moment. Technically they will get it to work but it could very well fail socially. Will people accept this as cool or being a geek. Will others accept it or see it as privacy violation.

        Some things never make it because of this. For instance speech recognition never broke through even though it seems a logical thing to use. Even on the phone it is struggling even though the phone is all about speech.

        Google glass is an interesting product I think, it may be a great success and youtube will be swarmed with clips from a very personal perspective. But it is still an open question. The Chinese are capable to copy such a product in record time that is not the problem. The problem is the patents if you want to export it.

        But you are quite right this is a security matter for the Chinese as well. They don’t want Chinese to walk with American spy camera’s everywhere. Just like they regard Google as an American intelligence gathering machine, if such product are to be used, they want control over it.