How To Install TuRdZzROM Custom ROM On Xperia Z

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In the previous how to article we taught you how to root your Xperia Z, Zl and Tabket Z and we promised that in our next article we will teach you how to install a custom ROM on your rooted Xperia Z device. So below is a quick and easy guide for the same.


  •  Based on Stock 10.1.A.1.434
  •  Bloatware removed
  • PureXAudio Sound Mod
  • De-odexed
  • Ubuntu Font
  • Zipaligned
  • Busybox



First of all you need to root your device which you might have already done, if not then head over to this article Root your Xperia Z, ZL and tablet Z

For Unlocked Bootloader

  1. Unlock your bootloader at here.
  2. Copy ROM to your SD card.
  3. Flash kernel with recovery and then go to CWM Recovery.
  4. Do a factory reset and then install the ROM.
  5. Enjoy your rooted Xperia Z with a Custom ROM.

For Locked Bootloader

  1. Copy your ROM to SD card.
  2. Install CWM for Locked bootloader from here.
  3. Go to CWM recovery.
  4. Now go to “mount and Storage”.
  5. Wipe Data partition now.
  6. Install ROM
  7. Enjoy Custom ROM on your Xperia Z.


Click on the images to view them clearly.

Do comment below how did you liked the tutorial and how is your phone working after installing custom ROM.For more help head over here