Couples in long distance relationships have one problem. They can’t feel each other. I mean Skype and WhatsApp are one thing but if you have ever been in a relationship, you know nothing is better than a touch, a hug or a kiss. In today’s world where the technology is advancing at such great pace, long distance couples too have some special innovations just for them. In this article we’ll see 5 gadgets that can boost your long distance love life. And these 6 gadgets can help you in all phases of a sexual intercourse i.e. from foreplay to intercourse, no kidding 😛
Snapchat: Deletes your naughty pictures and videos in 10 seconds:
Okay, I know this is not a gadget but this could be extremely helpful in bringing “the mood”. is dubbed as the sexting app as it is widely used by couples around the globe for sending “naughty pictures”. The unique thing about Snapchat is that the picture cannot be downloaded and will be disappear within 10 seconds after it has been opened. Perfect app to bring the mood for the foreplay.
Kissenger: Feel the kiss of your partner
Once you get the mood, its time for kissing. Kissenger from Lovotics consists of two robots that are capable of transfering kiss over the distance. These robots provide a physical interface enabling “kiss communication” facilitating intimate human tele-presence with the real and virtual worlds. Of course you need one for each of you.
Fundawear: The future of foreplay
Moving beyond kissing to the foreplay. Durex, best known for its condoms, has decided to leverage the technology and has launched a modern set of ‘vibrating’ underwear named Fundawear. You can pair your set of Fundawear with your partner’s smartphone and he/she can control the vibration and pattern. This gives the feel that your partner is actually touching you and you can feel the sensation. You can watch this video to better understand the product (don’t worry, its not a porno :P).
LovePalz: The toy of lovemaking
Okay! Enough of foreplay. Now its time to get in action. And for that part we have LovePalz. LovePalz is a “Wi-Fi-connected love machine that lets both the top and the bottom stimulate some sexy time.” Basically, you will have two devices one for each partner. Hers will be Hera, basically a dildo and his will be Zeus, a tube that can fit a penis inside it. The devices connect through smartphones. The trick is that when these devices are used simultaneously, the device of the partner vibrates as per the movement of the other partner.
PillowTalk: Cuddle your partner
Its lovemaking right? And lovemaking cannot be complete without cuddling, can it be? is one such gadget for long distance lovers that enables them to hear the heartbeat of the partner. The system consists of two wristbands and a smartphone app. Wristband will transmit the heartbeats of the person via Bluetooth to the smartphone app. The other partner can hear the heartbeat by plugging in the headphones or by the special pillow that can be bought separately.
And that completes our list of 5 gadgets for long distance lovers that could boost their otherwise boring sex life. What you say? These gadgets are cool or creepy?