If the effort of Indian netizens bears fruit, the next Android version could be named Ladoo (popular Indian sweet). As you know Google has partenered with Nestle to code-name the upcoming Android version as Android Kitkat.
An online campaign has been started by has attarcted the attention of Indian users. The Android Ladoo campaing website gives this argument to support its campaign:
We are Indians. We have big hearts. We understand that there might be commercial pressures to do so. Or maybe our voices were just not loud enough to make KajuKatli Android a reality. We still love Android and we are committed to seeing a version of Android that is dedicated to an Indian sweet. With enough advance notice this time, we request you to name the next version of Android, LADOO.
We love Ladoo, and we’re sure you will too! So, to make this deal sweeter, we are sending your team a box of ladoos very soon
After all, if Google can name Andorid as Jelly Bean, Cup Cake, IceCream Sandwich then why not Laddoo. With so many Indians working in Google, and India being a huge market, Google could actually gain more loyality in India. After all, was once the most favorite Social Network in India while it failed worldwide.
If you want to support this campaign, you can show your support on their webiste using your Google profile. I wish success to Andorid Ladoo campaign (for the simple reaosn that Laddoo is my favorite sweet :)) and would love to see it coming to reality