We recently posted the “Part 1” of “10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows” and now we’re back with the “Part 2”. Today we have 10 more Keyboard shortcuts to help you save a bit of your time while handling your windows computer. So just like the shortcuts of previous part, if you can master these too, you really enhance the quickness and smoothness while navigation. Moreover, these shortcuts will be really helpful in case your mouse is not working properly.
So here are the “10 keyboard shortcuts for windows (Part 2)”:
This shortcut is used to Rename the files and folders.
This shortcut is a “Search Shortcut”. It will open an explorer window with the highlighted Search Bar. If any explorer window is already open, then it will just highlight the Search Bar.
This shortcut is similar to the “Tab” button but not exactly same. It will highlight the different options in a window. For e.g. in Google Chrome Browser, it will cycle between address bar, bookmark bar and scroll panel.
This shortcut highlights the File menu in explorer window.
Ctrl + Shift + N:
This shortcut will create a New Folder.
Shift + Del:
This shortcut will permanently delete a file from your computer instead of sending it to the recycle bin.
Alt + Enter:
This shortcut is used to open the Properties of a file. It eliminates the need of right clicking on a file to view its properties.
Alt + Left Arrow & Alt + Right Arrow:
These shortcuts are used to navigate Back and Forward in an explorer window. Just like Back and Forward button.
Alt + Esc:
Just like “Alt + Tab”, this shortcut switches between windows, but in the order they were opened.
Shift + F10:
This shortcut will open the “Right Click” menu of a file or folder.
This was the “Part 2” of 10 Keyboard Shortcuts that you probably didn’t knew before. Don’t forget to check the “Part 1” and Windows 8 Shortcut Keys. Comments are warmly welcomed below.
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