Meaning of a sentence is changed just by the order of words, comma, full stop etc. A full stop (.) means end of sentence while three dots (…) extends the sentence. Philosophy and grammar aside, a typo (missing space) on a billboard put for Samsung Galaxy Note has changed the meaning completely.
Most of the touch devices are used by fingers. Samsung, in an effort to emphasis on the use stylus with Galaxy Note, tried to put up an advertisement:
Pen is, mightier than the finger.
Unfortunately, the typo lead to an altogether different meaning with the missing space between ‘Pen’ and ‘is’:
Penis, mightier than the finger.
I don’t need to tell you what does it mean 😛 But this typo is certainly embarrassing for Samsung.
By the way. Twitter is abuzz with rumors that this was a deliberate attempt from Samsung to grab attention. The use of comma in the tagline indicates the same.
[Update] Samsung responded:
Samsung spokesperson termed these pictures a ‘fake’. In its response Samsung said:
The alleged typo on a Galaxy Note 10.1 billboard, of course, is fake. Attached is the actual photo from Cromford Road, London as well as the link on Google maps of the actual site below.
Samsung provided this of the street where this billboard was placed. When I checked, there was a different advertisement in Google Streen view, quite naturally, as its not live.
What you think of it?? Is it deliberate or a typo??