This feature may be great if you happen to know each and every person in your circle, it will make you more socialised but if you happen to have unknown people in circle or those with whom you don’t want to share your mail address then this feature becomes curse.
This feature is activated by default and those who know how to tweak settings don’t find it hard but those people who only use mails for work may find it difficult. But you need not to worry there is a way out for the same. Follow the simple guide below:
How to disable mailing feature to Google Plus users?
Simply head over to your Gmail account then after logging in, go over to geared icon and click on Settings option. In General Tab of settings, at middle you will find option “Email via Google+” there from dropdown option change “anyone on Google Plus” to “No one” or as appropriate to you then head down below and click on save button to apply those necessary changes.
Now you won’t be receiving any spam messages from those Google Plus users whom you don’t even know. If you happen to stuck at any step or you are not able to figure out how to do that just ask us in comments section below. We will be most happy to help you out. Also if you find this information useful make sure to share with your friends about this and Stay Tuned for more awesome stuff and reviews.