How to type in Hindi and other Indian languages on any website like Facebook, Twitter

Write in Hindi and Indian Languages on Facebook, Twitter and any other wesbiteIf internet is your religion then Google is your God :) Always there to guide and help. This time with their Transliteration bookmarklet. Sometimes when you want to reply in Hindi or any other language you simply feel helpless and you wish for an easy way that could enable you to write in Hindi or other languages. Google powered websites like Orkut has automatic option of writing in Hindi but not all of them provide such luxury. At different forums it simply is a tough task.

Thanks to Google’s Transliteration bookmarklet it is simply matters of clicks. If you want to write  यार मस्त कट रही है instead you type “yaar mast kat rahi hai” and this can easily be translated into Devanagri script. Same goes for other languages as well.

Please follow the steps (The same steps are followed for other languages as well, links for other language bookmarklet is given at the end of the page):

  • Drag and drop this link  [अ Type in Hindi] your browser’s bookmark bar
  • Now, when you want to type in Hindi on a particular website just click it once
  • It will enable the translation. You can see in the type box.
  • If want to stop typing in Hindi, click it once again and it will be disabled

Remember: You have to click on the bookmarklet for each website i.e. if you have multiple tabs open, then click on it for each tab. If you opened another website on the same tab you have to click it again to type in Hindi. But it’s not a pain as it is only a matter of a click.

Links for other Languages:


How to download from Nokia Ovi Store to directly on computer?

So Nokia is up with its Ovi store to compete with Apple. There are a considerable number of applications available at Ovi Store to download but …yeah there is a but … You have to download(read install) it directly to your phone using Ovi application for Nokia. This may not seem a problem if you have good network speed on your phone (i.e. if you are connected to Wi-Fi or 3G connection) but it certainly is annoying if you are using GPRS/Edge services to connect to internet or if you want to save the application for future use.

Well, you don’t need to loose heart. Because there always are few tweaks available to counter it. The simplest way to download from Ovi store to your computer is a 2 step process:

1. Download application from Ovi Store to computer

2. Convert file to .sis file/ Convert the .jad file to .jar file

1. Download application from Ovi Store to computer: This part is pretty much straight forward. All you have to do is to click on the desired application. There is an option of “Send to friend”. Just click on that.

After clicking on it. Look into your browser address bar:

Replace “send-to-friend” by “download” and press enter. The file starts to download:

So, Finally you have successfully fooled Nokia and downloaded the application on your PC. But the problem “may” not end here. As you know the Nokia runs on Symbian OS and it uses .sis file. The application you have downloaded might be instead of .sis. (or .jad instead of .jar). So, our next step would be to convert these files into a suitable format.


2(a). Converting file to .sis file: This might seem a bit difficult but believe me it only seems, it is not at all difficult. To convert file, you first need to install a Hex Editor. You can download XVI32, the best Hex Editor available free. Unzip the file and run the XVI32 application. Open the desired file(you can also drag and drop into the software). It will look something like the pic below. Try to find the first “7A “ in the left panel.

Delete (using delete key) every other entry before 7A. Don’t delete 7A. :) Something like this:

Download from Ovi to Computer

Now a similar task. Use the scroll bar to go to the bottom of the file. Here look for first “-” of “–boundary–” (in the right panel). Delete from here till the end.

So. its final look will be like:

Now you can save this file as filename.sis. Your application is ready to use. Install it using Ovi Suite or copy it into your phone and then install it.

2(b). Convert .jad file to .jar file: If the downloaded file from Ovi store is .jad file, then it can easily be converted to .jar file. .jar file can then directly be installed on Nokia phones. The idea is that mostly .jad files contains the address of the .jar file inside it. So open the .jad file in a notepad or (preferably) notepad++. Look for the address inside it. Copy the address and paste it inside the web browser. Enter and .jar file is on your computer. :)

Enjoy Hacking Nokia Ovi Store. A word of thanks and questions are always welcomed.

Review: Chrome Web Store

Announced and launched in December’10, the Chrome Web Store is now available in more than 15 countries other than USA. Web Store is more like Mozilla’s add on page with different extension and application available for free or a nominal fee. Apart from extension it also has a number of browser games to keep you busy and help you in killing time right in your browser.

The web store is open for the developers to develop new applications and extensions. Industry sources say that the delay in launching the web store outside US is related to payment issues. The developers can select the region where they want to sell their product. Inspired by Apple Store, it contains a decent number of applications with more to come as developers flocked to get a pie out of Google.

If you are using Google Chrome and still do not see the chrome web store option on the new tab page, I would suggest you to change the language of the browser to “English US” from the setting. This way you can enable the option of web store in your browser.

Altogether it is an innovative step from Google to popularize their already popular web browser. Now we need to wait and watch for the reaction of Mozilla, Apple and Microsoft.

How to switch back from igoogle to classic google?

igoogle is the customized homepage of It gives you option of adding lots of stuff on the google page for eg. news, language translator, dictionary, currency and stock information etc.  Though many people use it, I never found it appealing. Recently when I wanted to disable igoogle and switch back to good old classic google, I simply could not find how to do that. Closing and re-opening the page did not help. After sometime only I realized that there is an option in the setting tab on the top right corner of the igoogle page. Click on the gear symbol and choose Classic Home.

The following is the screenshot of the “option”:

The same setting option can be used to switch from classic google to igoogle.

Review: Facebook email is a big let-down

It was announced few months back. All devoted fb users were so eagerly following the news, the news about the gmail killer facebook email. Last night I got the much awaited Facebook email invitation. I was so happy to see that message. I gladly accepted it. As soon as I applied the new messaging, everything looked different, better. I could not control my emotions and put up my facebook status right at that moment. I got replies from friend for invitation. Meanwhile I was exploring this new hyped application. I found these things from my experience:

Whats New: There definitely few things you will notice at first. For instance, You can see the smileys :) instead of  : ) in your messages. The message space is more clean and shorter fonts are used. It shows all the previous message conversation with the person (It categories the messages by User). You just have to scroll up for seeing that. You can receive email from other service provider like gmail at an address [email protected] These emails will be saved in the “other” category of messages.

It does allow the user to attache files and also allows to send pic/video taken at the instant from webcam. The upper limit on attachment is not known yet.

It also has the text messaging feature. It means if a friend sends you a message and checks the “send to phone” option, you will receive the same message on your mobile phone and you can reply straight from your phone. This conversation will also be shown in the facebook messaging box.

Now you can forward the messages you receive to other users (which was missing in the older version of facebook messaging).

Why it disappoints? When you expect something like “gmail killer”, you want a grand application. Unfortunately, facebook email is not a gmail killer. I guess, it cannot replace the regular email service. Instead of having a complete new email feature, it is just an up-gradation of facebook messaging.

Right now its available only by invitation. When I invited my friends, they did not see any invitations despite of me sending it.

By default, it archives the message instead of deleting it. If you want to delete a message, you have to open it and then from drop down select the delete option. Tiresome.

Verdict: It definitely is a better messaging service but it is a poor email service.

Waiting for replies on this post.

P.S. If you want to get a the facebook email, first you need to apply here:

Sources: ?topic=new_messages

Useful basic commands for Networking

Tools and network performance analysis 


ifconfig [down|delete]
ethereal to launch ethereal
tcpdump –i tool to capture and analyze packets
netstat –w [seconds] –I [interface] display network settings and statistics
udpmt –p [port] –s [bytes] target_host it creates UDP traffic
udptarget –p [port] it’s able to receive UDP traffic
tcpmt –p [port] –s [bytes] target_host it creates TCP traffic
tcptarget –p [port] it’s able to receive TCP traffic
ARP, switching and VLANs
arp –a it shows the current ARP table
arp –s to add an entry in the table
arp –a –d to delete all the entries in the ARP table
telnet to access the switch from a host in its subnetwork
sh ru or show running-configuration to see the current configurations
configure terminal to enter in configuration mode
exit in order to go to the lower configuration mode
vlan n it creates a VLAN with ID n
no vlan N it deletes the VLAN with ID N
untagged Y it adds the port Y to the VLAN N
ifconfig vlan0 create it creates vlan0 interface
ifconfig vlan0 vlan ID vlandev em0 it associates vlan0 interface on top of em0, and set the tags to ID
ifconfig vlan0


to turn on the virtual interface
tagged Y it adds to the port Y the support of tagged frames for the current VLAN
netstat –rnf inet it displays the routing tables of IPv4
sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 to enable packets forwarding (to turn a host into a router)
route add|delete [-net|-host] (ex. route add .0/24 .4) to add a route
route flush it removes all the routes
route add -net .2 to add a default route
routed -Pripv2 –Pno_rdisc –d [-s|-q] to execute routed daemon with RIPv2 protocol, without ICMP auto-discovery, in foreground, in supply or in quiet mode
route add it defines the route used from RIPv2
rtquery –n to query the RIP daemon on a specific host (manually update the routing table)
socklab udp it executes socklab with udp protocol
sock it creates a udp socket, it’s equivalent to type sock udp and bind
sendto emission of data packets
recvfrom it receives data from socket
socklab tcp it executes socklab with tcp protocol
passive it create a socket in passive mode, it’s equivalent to sock tcp, bind, listen
accept it accepts an incoming connection (it can be done before or after creating the incoming connection)
active it create a socket in active mode
connect these two commands are equivalent to sock tcp, bind, connect
close it closes the connection
read to read bytes on the socket
write (ex. write ciao, ex. write #10) to write “ciao” or to write 10 bytes on the socket
ipnat –f file_name it writes filtering rules into file_name
ipnat –l it gives the list of active rules
ipnat –C –F it re-initialize the rules table
map em0 -> .57/32 portmap tcp/udp 20000:50000
ipf –f file_name it writes filtering rules into file_name
ipf –F –a it resets the rule table
ipmon log_file in proto icmp all it allows to display the specified traffic
ipfstat –I it grants access to a few information on filtered packets, as well as active filtering rules
[block/pass] [in/out] proto [icmp/tcp/udp] from [any/] port=22 to [any/] port=80

If You want a pdf version: basic unix networking commands

For more commands do check here:

Courtesy: Jianning Zhang

How to find saved passwords in Firefox or Google Chrome?

For the ease of using internet on a personal computer we often save our passwords in the web browser (Remember the pop up with “save the password”, “not now”, “never for this site”). It saves you from the pain of entering the passwords in the websites. Do you know these saved passwords can be easily viewed by any person using the computer. Your passwords are not safe in the case if people have access to your computer.

You can also use the same for hacking some friend’s passwords if you have physical access to his system.

Its not rocket science. Its very simple. You might also knew it before hand. In case you don’t follow the steps:

1. Mozilla Firfox:

  • Open the Firefox.
  • Click on “Tools” on the top of the browser
  • Choose “Options”
  • Choose “Security” tab
  • Click on “Saved passwords”

  • Here you can see various websites and the username stored on it
  • Select any of them and click “Show password”
  • There it is, right in front of you. 

2. Google Chrome:

In Google Chrome, go to settings (the wrench symbol on the top right corner). Choose options. Go to “Personal Stuff” tab and select “show saved passwords”.

How to Add, Remove or Edit Environment variables in Windows 7?

To add/remove or edit Environment variable in windows 7 follow these steps:

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Click on System and Security
  • Choose System
  • Choose Advanced System Setting in the left side bar

  • In this System Properties window select Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables

  • In  Environment Variable window you can see User defined and System defined environment variables. You can Add/Remove or Edit the User variables. To Add click on New, to remove select the variable and click Delete and to edit an existing variable select the variable and click Edit.

Comments are always welcome :) It helps me keep going.

How to Add, Remove or Edit Environment variables in
Windows 7?

How to import a blog from WordPress to Blogspot?

To keep the same blog on WordPress and Blogspot, export/import feature is most convenient tool. Follow these steps (divided into 3 parts):


  • Go to Dashboard
  • Look for Tools in the left sidebar
  • Choose the Export feature
  • You can apply filters to select a few post
  • If you want all the posts, do not apply filters
  • Click Download Export File
  • Save the XML file



Convert from WordPress to Blogspot: Though the downloaded file is XML and blogspot/blogger allows the import of XML file it will still give you the error “Sorry, the import failed due to a server error. The error code is bX-tjg9ds“. To successfully import the blog into blogspot I would suggest you to use an online tool on website If your wordpress file is less than 1 MB, it will convert the wordpress file to a file compatible with blogspot. (If you are still having trouble downloading the file, I would suggest to use Google Chrome instead of Firefox, I faced problem with Firefox). Save This new file.


Blogspot/Blogger: Similar steps to WordPress. Follow these steps:

  • Go to settings
  • Choose Import




  • Select the new file downloaded from
  • Your blog is imported to blogspot


Feel free to leave your comments :)