Your electronic gadgets need proper care if you want to take advantage of their full potential. They deserve proper maintenance when in use and require proper storage when they are not in use. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of how to properly store their unused gadgets. This can lead to reduced quality, reduced efficacy, and reduced lifespan. All of these things lead to you spending more money on repairs and new purchases, so it’s not hard to see why it’s imperative that you learn to properly store your gadgets. So, how exactly can you do this? Here’s a guide to properly storing your unused electronics:
Clean Your Gadgets
Before you store your gadgets away in a safe place, make sure that they are clean. You want them to be free of dust and lint because these things will only cause damage when in contact with your electronics for long periods of time. Generally speaking, you should have your electronics looking like they’re ready to sell when you store them; this will help them retain their quality while stored.
Unplug Everything
A lot can happen in the process of putting your gadgets in and out of storage. It’s imperative that you unplug everything from your electronics; cords, cables, accessories, etc., should all be unplugged to reduce the odds of damage during the process.
Properly Pack Items
You can’t simply leave your gadgets somewhere in storage; they will be exposed to the elements (such as lint and dust) and could be damaged by other items that are being moved. Instead, you want to secure them in safe packaging like they were in when you bought them. Wrap your electronics in towels or bubble wrap and place them in cardboard boxes that are not too big. Then, fill in that extra space with bubble wrap, packaging pillows, or packaging peanuts. If you treat your gadgets like they’re going to be shipped, then they’ll stay in fine shape while they’re in storage.
Where to Store Your Gadgets
There are two main choices for where you should store your electronics:
At home: If you elect to store your gadgets at home, it is absolutely essential that you have a room with the right humidity. Gadgets should be stored in areas that are dry and relatively low in humidity. Ideally, you should also store them where they are safe in the event of an earthquake or other natural disaster. Many people store their electronics in attics or basements, but this is usually a bad idea. Not only do those places usually have poor temperature control, they also are subject to leaks and other environmental issues. Instead, elect for a closet or a specifically designed storage room.
In a storage unit: This is the safest way to store your gadgets. Many people fear that their electronics will not be safe in storage units, but most units are designed with temperature control in mind. Thankfully, there are many great storage units in Philadelphia that are ideal for storing your gadgets in and won’t break the bank.
With these tips you now know how to properly store your unused gadgets so they will be ready and working properly when you need them next.