5 Google+ Tips To Boost Social Media Marketing

Facebook may still be the king of all social networking sites but according to the stats Google+ is stepping up at a fast pace. Currently with as of January 2013, Google+ has already crushed Twitter to take its place as the second largest social networking sites. With the present stats being favorable to Google plus, there is no doubt that it has all the potential of beating Facebook to acquire the first place!

Google Plus Tips

Google+ profile plays a vital role in SEO and helps rank up in search results. Google author-ship feature is yet another important aspect associated with G+ profile. So much being at stake, how could anybody ignore G+ as part of their Social Media marketing strategy?

5 tips to boost your business and marketing strategy with the help of G+:

  1. Be the boss of Google’s Social Search To show up more often on your followers search results include relevant keywords in your posts on G+. This also has the benefit of your G+ posts being seen on the Google search results as one of the “Personal results”.

  2. Build your authority with Google AuthorShip If you want more trust and higher rank from Google then Google Authorship is the right answer. To reap in more SEO benefits setup your Google Authorship immediately. When you successfully get your Authorship, your picture from your Google+ profile shows up next to your content/blog-posts in the search results and thereby increase your ranking. It is believed that, a picture and a sense of verified authority against your name will increase click-through rates bringing in more traffic to your posts/website pages.

  3. Be short; be smart! The original URL of any Google Plus profile is actually annoying! It’s not only long like this https://plus.google.com/100713516859939672119/posts but also the number in the URL is  practically impossible to remember.  A unique, short and easy to remember names in the URL associated with the user’s business/brand or real name would be a smarter way to name the profile URL.  To shorten the G+ profile URLs for marketing visit plus.ly.

  4. Tweak your About page on Google+- It is important to make your marketing material on your profile SEO friendly to show up on search results. Apart from instigating your G+ visitors to click on the links to important products or services or pages on your website, you can make your About page easily rank higher in search results by including keywords in the About description. You can draw the traffic to your website or services page easily by including necessary links one by one taking the advantage of bullet style writing in About section.

  5. Finding the right circles to engage and add value  It is amazing to see the difference in your marketing outcome once you start engaging the right audience for your business/brand. Finding your target audience can be easily done by finding the right circles to engage on G+. See what people are interested or talking about i.e. stuff related to your services. Act and respond to queries and engage with interesting matter that adds value pulling in people to your benefits. To begin, you can start adding and start experimenting on this tip.

Give us more tips that have worked well for you;  we are eager to listen and experiment your marketing strategies on G+.

Google Plus’s New Updated Design for 2013

As per the recent , few changes to Google Plus have been made. If you are not in the group of “Yay” to these changes then I feel sorry for you since your “Nay” would not be considered as these changes have been claimed to be done as per the feedback from the users.

Google + new cover photo
Facebook, Google plus and Twitter Cover photos

The list of changes to Google plus includes:

1) Bigger Cover Photos-

I am partly in for this and my opinion is definitely “Yay” but I totally disliked the feature of “Text over the image”. This is not done, really. The photo of up to 2120px by 1192px in size which is displayed in 16×9 when fully expanded looks vibrant and seals the attention. The “Follow” button and the profile picture have also been positioned on the cover photo. The profile picture is now displayed in a circle showing just the features of your face and not your entire face if it’s a close up pic! People in Google, you are fading out the most important image on the profile just to highlight the text on it. Something like Facebook design would be great since it allows free look for the cover photo while displaying the profile photo and text below it. Come-on now don’t “say we do not like to copy” as I see you have already copied the Twitter style if not the Facebook version!

I know its frustrating to keep updating your cover photos every now and then and that is the reason I found this awesome Google Plus cover template just for you.

2) All new “About”-

The mania for “Cards style” display design on the web has taken its toll on Google Plus as well! The About Tab now has separate cards to tell the “Story”, give the information of “Places”, insight to the “Links”, etc. Education, Work, Basic information all appear in separate cards for a better distinction between the information. You can share specific information fields with specific circles as always.

3) Local Reviews tab-

The awesomeness of this new update is tab for your “Local reviews”. You can highlight your favorite restaurants, or hide the tab completely via settings which I would never do.

The point of problem!

Different sizes of your cover photo would be displayed depending upon the tab which your profile visitor lands on. Until explicitly scrolled up, the image size that is displayed is different for different tabs in this new Google Plus design which is a “Nay” for me. In the below image you can clearly make the differences between the sizes of the cover photos when landed on two different tabs.

Google plus cover photo cliches

Dear Google, if you can really change to meet the users feedback then here is one from me!

Number one requirement (at-least for me) is an ability to merge two Google+ profiles associated with two different Gmail ids. Agreed you have already provided an option to merge two accounts with the help of , but it only allows to transfer the circles and not the usability or the feeds. We are still required to either completely close one of the accounts or we need to continue to manage both the accounts. And there are many other clichés which I recently experienced by merging the two accounts and which I am repenting merging them in first place due to lack of flexibility.

I don’t understand why Google plus which is a social profile or social networking site is built to be associated with Gmail ids? Why can’t it be an independent media profile like Facebook or Twitter or other social networking sites? Do you have any better ideas for this problem, then please leave your thoughts in the comments. Editor-in-Chief

Twitter Vine- The good, the bad and the ugly!

If the 140 character micro-blogging, non other than the Twitter, your favorite social media platform.

And if you think short is sweet which helps rediscover your creative instinct by placing a barrier of limit.

Then I guess, 6 seconds short video sharing platform would be as interesting for you unless you are annoyed with the looped pattern GIFs!

Twitter Vine video app

Today we are going to get some insights about the Twitter’s all new “Vine app”. The new quirky way of sharing your ideas through short videos of six seconds on Twitter Vine app is a buzz and is ablaze at its best from the past four days. Vine is in news for all the good, the bad and the ugly reasons!

Vine was recently acquired by Twitter and is now part of the company as per the Vine blog,

We’re also happy to share the news that Vine has been acquired by Twitter. Our companies share similar values and goals; like Twitter, we want to make it easier for people to come together to share and discover what’s happening in the world.

The good uses of Vine app

Vine, a great way to capture your life in motion and share it instantly. It’s as easy as shoot, post and play! No tedious job of uploading, waiting and using the embedding code to share.

This new Twitter Vine app is free to download and available for iPhone and iPod touch at present. As per the , they are working towards making this app available for other platforms. Vines on the vine app are self obsessed and self-made videos unlike the traditional ways of sharing videos from Youtube. Vines are GIF like videos which can be recorded by holding the thumb for up to 6 seconds max to record the video and release the thumb to stop recording.

This new media is not any replacement for the existing ability of Twitter to share Instagram or Youtube videos, rather its an enhancement provided to the users of Twitter to make and share short videos created by them instantly. Here in this short video you can get a glimpse of what a Vine video could look like.

mixing gnarly basslines today [twitter]vine.co/v/b55LOA1dgJU

— The Glitch Mob

As is the case with awesome tweets that are paid to air by brands and businesses, it’s not too far that you can expect people going for sponsored Vines and endorsements. Brands can make it big creating Vines for their products, sneak peek about businesses, saying hi- hello to their followers, and a lot more that can be hard to imagine. Just a matter of time and the web would be flooded with ideas for making great vines and using them for building brands online and boosting businesses. Making an effective video to convey the message in six seconds is quiet challenging and requires immense creativity.

The bad news for users

Twitter put a button on their Vine app meant for the users to search their friends on Facebook through the Vine app. However, continuing the rivalry that Facebook and the Twitter have for each other and keeping their interests ahead of the users’ interests, Facebook almost immediately blocked this feature of Vine and now users are greeted with an error message while using this button on vine saying “Vine is not authorized to access Facebook“. This awful thing would be heart breaking for many Twitter and Facebook fans who use both the social networking sites for business as well as personal experience.

The ugly part of Vine!

Just like 500 px, a photo sharing app and Viddy, a video sharing app, were pulled by Apple for either making it easy to share restricted photos/videos or having featured lewd content  through these apps. Now, looks like Vine is next in the queue for standing a chance of being pulled by Apple (!) since people are readily sharing offensive videos through the app just after about 3-4 days of its launch. Who is to control this calamity of unacceptable Vines when the terms  are not firm enough to bar the content!

Do not forget to share your first Vine with us here in the comments below.

Do you have any idea on how Vine could be used to make great Vines or the videos? How do you think Twitter Vine can be used to do business and brand building?

Facebook Graph Search: What Does It Mean To You

Back to the roots, Facebook’s Graph Search it is.

Facebook as it was first launched, was used by people to browse and learn about people and end up making new connections. Here it is back again rediscovering its roots through search again, this time its called “Graph Search”.

Graph search for facebook

What is Facebook graph Search?

Graph Search is a way for you to search and find people, photos, places and interests that are relevant to your search and your relationship with your friends on Facebook.

  1. Graph search is not same as the web search. It is mainly the search for content on Facebook which will give unique search results for each one depending on strength of relationship and connections.
  2. It’s in beta and available to small number of Facebook users in US. However, if you like to get it you can register to the waiting lists here

Why use Graph Search?

It’s easy and better because you don’t have to search individual friend’s profiles for information. You can get all the results for your search on latest happenings with your connections in one place.

  • You can search for photos, places, interests and people.
  • You can easily discover new people with similar interests and make new connections.
  • You can find places, restaurants and other local attractions based on your friends’ feeds, likes and shares including information from their history.
  • you can even get all the results about your friends’ favorite music bands, books or movies.
  • As an example, according to this report, you could even use this new feature for dating or recruiting as well.
  • For an average user this might not be a great hit, but businesses and leaders could definitely make use of it.

How is graph search different from web search?

Graph search was first rumored to be a competition to the king of internet the Google. But stop believing such rumors, it’s a completely different thing and in no way similar to the existing web search. Here are few things that make graph search different from web search.

Web search:

  • Keywords oriented
  • Provides links that could contain answers for your search
  • Mostly information that is available to the public on the web

Graph search:

  • You combine phrases and not keywords
  • You are provided with results rather than links
  • It is more private and you will be able to see the results in your search that you are able to see elsewhere on Facebook

Could this feature have any disadvantages?

As written on Gizmodo, you have every chance of being seen for all the wrong reasons on Facebook! All thanks to graph search.

  • You may have liked pages, status or photos in the past that may become the cause for embarrassment today on being seen on somebody’s search results under the wrong search phrases. Your likes may be due to the awesome content of the page or status but the literal meaning of them could ruin your Facebook reputation especially among your friends if you were ever caught for wrong search!
  • Your privacy may be at stake! May be, because the for graph search is not clear and at present its just waggly defined. Your private life on Facebook could be public in a moment of time if you do not pay close attention to what you share or like on Facebook and with whom? As a matter of fact, you may now want to look back into your profile for the history so you do not repent for it later.
  • Above all, the real benefits of this graph search itself is questionable? Why do you want to search this extensively and keep a watch on the database of friends in the first place? Is this whole thing of graph search required? An extensive research has been articulated on Techcrunch about why graph search is a miss? Only time and Mark Zuckarberg can answer I guess!

On the other hand, as a user, we may have to work hard for this graph search to become hit which is now far away from the success it claims to have one day. We may have to become more active check-in often, keep liking and updating status and also not just add photos but meticulously tag them to be found on search results (only if you like it to happen!).

The attempt of adding this feature in to encourage users to get more active or should I say proactive on this social networking site. It is an attempt to encourage people to grow their friends circle and add more and more friends quickly as the stats show the drop in expanding number of friends on an average which is crucial for Facebook’s growth in future.

Do you think graph search is really an essential user tool?

Shrink To Fit Market- iPhone Mini Could Be The Next Big Thing After iPad Mini

Steve Jobs, as the world is aware of, always worked towards building quality products that added value for money and gave rich user experience over the ones that came with low price tag and compromised with features including the size. But now, Apple is in for too much of experimenting and trying to get closer to the competition in-terms of redesigning their existing products to fit all pockets!

iPhone mini

After its launch of iPad mini in the month of October last year, rumors has it that Apple is planning to come up with iPhone mini in 2014. As the report is seen on   it is said that the Apple needs to find newer ways to make profit in 2014 which is otherwise doing great business in 2013 through its iPhone 5. But as foreseen by Mawston, Samsung will capture 33 percent of the 2013 smartphone market and Apple will have its share of 21 percent. Apart from Mawston, strategy analytics, Jeffries analyst Peter Misek also believes the possibility of such a smartphone and said it would cost anywhere between $200 and $250 according to the source.

Apple is now on the second position following the lead Samsung in the smart phone business. As per the analysis by Mawston, the high-end smartphone market is nearing saturation and to survive the competition, to gain the first place and also to fill the gap and tap the cheap smartphone market, iPhone is rumored to release this new “iPhone mini” in 2014.

The question is- “would there be a market for this cheaper and smaller iPhone?” As per the Forbes, this “Honey I shrunk the iPhone” version could have a huge market in countries like China and India apart from the craze that could develop in USA.

People already using the current versions of high-end iPhones might not want to switch to the miniature of the same but yes, other potential customers who are using cheaper smart phones would definitely switch to a better alternative like iPhone mini.

If at all this rumor becomes reality, would you opt for an iPhone mini?

Ubuntu Phone OS- All that you wanted to know about it

Joining the band wagon of innovators to the “post-PC era”, Canonical has come up with its mobile version OS “Ubuntu Phone OS” which is specifically designed for smartphones.

Alex Williams of TechCrunch stressed on the downside of entering late to the market:

Even if the new Ubuntu Phone OS that Canonical launched today looks pretty, it still is late and oddly tied to the desktop


However, as Mr Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical (parent company of Ubuntu), believes:

…we have the great fortune to be coming to market late, in the sense that Moore’s Law has given us at least seven or eight generations of performance improvements since Android came to market and we’ve been able to take advantage of that

What is “Ubuntu Phone OS” anyway?

The mobile version of Ubuntu OS, a Linux-based open source software, is currently built on the existing Android kernel and drivers that supports both ARM and x86 processors. This Phone OS promises to use “the full power of the phone” providing rich and innovative features which “I believe” are by far the most user-friendly features provided by any other Operating Systems for smart phones.

With little adaptation, Ubuntu Phone OS can be compatible enough to run on Android phones.

Features designed to beat the competition and why you should take Ubuntu Phone OS seriously:

  1. Kernel level security promised along with all the security features of Unix making it best suitable for enterprise audience.
  2. Easy to use and instant access to important windows without having to return to home makes it user-friendly for potential common man wanting to get hands-on smooth smart phone interface.
  3. The whole world is brought at your finger tips by providing information and content not just on your phone but also from the web when you search for music or other such stuff. When searched for people, it brings up all the emails and contact information that matches with the query.
  4. Automatically load your photos as you click to your personal cloud account which you can sink to your various other devices including iOS, Windows or Android.
  5. If you are an artistic person or somebody who feel the need for personalized information on your phone screen then Ubuntu has it for you. The welcome screen keeps you updated with a lot of your personal information such as tweets, messages, etc.
  6. I instantly fell in love with this feature of being able to reply to all my emails, messages, social media conversations and more all in one place as when they drop in without having to switch from mails to my Twitter account to my Facebook app and even get your call information in the same place. That’s incredible.
  7. Thumb gestures enabled from all four edges of the screen allow users to find content and switch between apps faster as compared to other phones.
  8. The great new left edge swipe (short) gives you instant access to your favorite apps that are used routinely.
  9. Full screen swipe from left-to-right reveals your open apps in the form of tabs and a full screen right-to-left swipe will open up the last app you were using. Yet another swipe will take you to the app opened before that. Switching between open apps too easy to believe, isn’t it? You bet! Perfectly designed for multitasking freaks, right?
  10. One bottom swipe will get you all the app controls which unlike other Operating Systems do not eat up your screen all the time.


Is it a threat to the existing iOS, Android or Windows 8?

Well, the only constraint I believe is getting people to shift from their current smart phones especially the iPhone users since they would have already invested a huge amount to buy the device. It surely is the first OS after iOS to bring in great new features without being just another Operating System (read as “copied cheap OS version!”). Surely the time set to release the range of devices is end of Dec 2013 or early 2014 and this could be one the draw backs making people wait a little too long.

As quoted by , Jane Silber, CEO Canonical said:

“We expect Ubuntu to be popular in the enterprise market, enabling customers to provision a single secure device for all PC, thin client and phone functions. Ubuntu is already the most widely used Linux enterprise desktop, with customers in a wide range of sectors focused on security, cost and manageability.”

Now that is indeed some power which enables work to flow seamlessly with a hand-held device.

Seriously, after browsing through some of these signature features added in Ubuntu Phone OS, no kidding! It ought to bag its place in the market. Agreed, it would definitely be a struggle to get people shifting from their iOS or Android phones mostly because of the purchased apps stocked from Apple’s app store or Google Play. But then it’s just another face of the game and there are people who love to try new features.

Do really think the Ubuntu team should bite their nails for coming up with this awesome Phone OS?

Forecast: Technology trends to watch for in 2013

Computer FutureThe biggest tech trends that were in news in 2012 were mostly concentrated in cloud computing technologies, mobile technologies (of which tablets popped like mushrooms in every other company!), social technologies, including many other small and big technologies. But, the year 2013 might bring in a bright year to many more technologies apart from the ones that had a great year in 2012.

The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has come up with the five greatest trends to watch for in 2013 and their list has,

  1. The future of 3D printing
  2. Next-generation TVs and displays
  3. The evolution of the audio market
  4. The mobile revolution in Africa, and
  5. Technology in education

Well, the list of trending technologies for the year 2013 given by CEA looks quite promising. Technology like 3d printing has evolved at a great pace with its mark in every other innovation by assisting in designing the products be it jewellery or mobile devices or even cars for that matter. Rather than creating physical models, virtual models created on computers offer great flexibility.

The quality of TV display has a great market indeed. People are getting tech savvy and are willing to replace older televisions with feature rich television.  LED’s, LCD’s and OLED TV’s are all running in the completion trying to improve and meet the quality demands.

The wireless headphones and the premium headphones that promise to deliver studio sound quality are only providing the basis for the CEA’s predictions. Adding to their analysis is the huge craze of people who are looking for professional sound quality in home audio systems.

As against the common beliefs about the gain in technological market in the continent of Africa, CEA predicts the rise of mobile revolution in the region. The trend has already been set in the continent as banking, business, and social networking have made good internet access in 2012 through mobile phones.

Since the inception of computer classes in schools years ago, the education system has seen several changes in the way pupils are being educated. The smart education system has replaced black boards and the new age tablets have started replacing books!

What I see is CEA’s predictions of trends to watch in 2013 coming true!

Apart from CEA, many giants in the field of technology and news have come up with their own list of trending technologies. According to a source on Forbes, the five trends include:

  1. Internet of things (IoT) which they believe to make a great hit in 2013.
  2. The trend of Big Data is the second one on the list where they are talking about the visualization and analysis on data that can help businesses.
  3. The cloud technology is here to stay in 2013 after leaving its prints in 2012.
  4. The issue of internet censorship and the enforcement of laws on the usage of internet is said to continue.
  5. The use and development in the field of multicore computing made the list too.

According to marketwatch, even the Verizon has identified hybrid clouds as one of the technologies that will continue to grow in 2013. Verizon is also talking about the mobile market and the security in IT sector as one of their identifications.

In various other sources the most talked about technologies that are predicted as trending in 2013 are social technologies, cloud computing, big data, technology in education and mobile technology. Though there is no much discussion on upcoming technologies in 2013, people are mostly involved in talking about the continuing trend which has already been set in 2012.

Which technologies do you think are going to stay in 2013? Do you believe if there is any chance of invention of yet another newer technology in 2013?

Checkthis Is The New Addition To The Budding Social Media Start-ups

 Are you done with tweeting your micro blog?
 And did you finish posting on your Facebook fan page?
 How are your pins working for you on Pinterest?
 Then, your blog on tumblr, did you update it?

Okay, after you have done with all of them don’t forget to create a social poster on checkthis. checkthis is a startup out from Beligium and Frédéric della Faille is the Founder & Designer of checkthis who is accompanied by Melvyn Hills, the Co-founder & Developer.

CheckThis Social Media

As the social media marketing is making huge impact on web for individuals and businesses across the globe, new and innovative startups are budding out in full swing trying to fill the existing gap. Be it small website owners or the giants in businesses everybody is trying to make the most out of social networking sites. After Facebook and Twitter reached the heights of success, many other social media sites took shape in no time. Here another such site with a twist, checkthis!

So, what is CheckThis anyway?

checkthis is a social media site which was started with the aim to bridge the gap between regular social media enthusiasts and occasional content creators. It also had the vision of providing a platform where you can talk more than twitter and little less than a blog post. checkthis is a social poster making site which can be used only as much as you want. You decide how frequently you want to create posters or if you want to vanish from web for sometime without worrying to build your fan base by providing uninterrupted content. This is possible because every poster you create is independent in itself. Every poster has a live time-line next to it so you can see the likes, votes, comments, and much more.

The procedure and the features:

  • You can start creating posters without even creating an account unless you want to login and edit it later. Just choose one of your options, tell (write), sell (create a classified posting), ask (a survey), or invite (event invitation) and get started. You get a unique URL for your poster to share with family and friends.
  • All your collections of posters are visible in one place and the best part is you can share your posters created on checkthis outside say on twitter, Facebook, etc.
  • It’s useful for businesses and idea generators especially the ones who do not have all the time to commit for a blog. Create posters as per your requirements anytime and you don’t have to be regular.
  • Share on other social media platforms, get people talking about your poster, get traffic and see your business growing.
  • Every poster created is independent and has its own real-time interactions of comments and shares by visitors on a clean and neat time line. It even shows you if your poster is on fire!
  • You can let your creative juices flow and release your imagination of any bondage. It allows you to embed rich content like images, maps, polls, videos and even a PayPal button to enable purchases. You are also provided with rich editor which is easy to use without a perquisite for technical knowledge. Change the themes, upload custom backgrounds, and just do what you are pleased to.

Are you still thinking why use CheckThis over other mediums?

When every body on web is talking about SEO and SMO (Social Media Optimization) making use of all the availabe social networking platforam, why not you? More over its free to use and that too without registering or logining in, isn’t that great? And you have something to say but it’s more for twitter and does not qualify for a blog post. And also because you want to share something that is more visually powerful than just text, full of graphics and design (or may be just plain text if you choose so).

Top 10 Basic and Useful Android Apps of 2012

It’s that time of year where everyone is busy wrapping things going into the flashback of 2012 and making a forecast of things that are likely happen in the coming year 2013. Today I was using my android phone (Samsung galaxy) and I started wondering about the good and the bad apps that I installed, tried and retained a few of them and uninstalled quite a few others. For me the good apps means which have a purpose to serve and a problem to solve (games are included too since they are the biggest friends when it comes to solving the problem of loneliness and boredom). They must be user friendly and error free. Most importantly which do not adversely affect the life of the battery.  Free apps are always welcome but there are also paid apps that are quite awesome and give value for money.

Here is the list of top ten apps that made to my list:

1.    Temple Run

Temple run for android

Have been playing temple run on my iPad but playing the same on every other device is great. This addictive game is now out for Android and the run for life begins after stealing the cursed idol from the temple. This is an interesting game and escaping from the evil Demon Monkeys tests our reflections. Jumping and sliding to avoid obstacles, swiping to turn, collecting to buy power ups and unlocking new characters is all fun.

Temple Run
Price Free

2.    What’sApp Messenger

What's App Messenger Android

One of the best apps for SMS freaks! Endless chat with friends is made fun with the introduction of group chat for this app. WhatsApp can be used to send and receive messages, pictures, audio notes and video messages over the traditional SMS.

What’s App on
Price FREE first year ($0.99/year after)

3.    ezPDF Reader PDF

PDF Reader for android

It is a multipurpose reader enriched with Audio & Video Multimedia PDF Reader, Annotate, Listen, and Fill out PDF Form features. It is the Best Selling and Most Commented Multimedia PDF viewer.

ezPDF Reader Pro on
Price: You get it in two versions Lite and Pro and the price range from $1 to $5.

4.    Chrome for Android

Chrome for android

Google’s browser chrome made its mobile debut in 2012. The newest feature allows you to sign in to sync your personalized Chrome experience from your computer to bring it with you anywhere you go. The icing on the cake is that its superfast and well polished.

Chrome for Android on
Price Free

5.    Evernote

evernote for android

The credits won by this app includes New York Times ‘Top 10 Must-Have App’, Winner: TechCrunch Crunchies, Mashable Awards and the Webbys. It is believed to be the best productivity app of 2012 which helps organize bringing together your life scattered on various other devices. Evernote allows you to sink your account on various devices so that you never miss it again whether you are at home or office or on the go.

Evernote on
Price Free

6.    Any.DO

anydo to-do list maker android

One of the best to-do list maker with voice recognition feature which means it is possible to set tasks with the help of your phone’s mike. Things that can be done with the help of this app are possibly endless. Seamless cloud sync, Alerts, Snooze tasks, Google Task Sync, Notes, Sub tasks, Rep eating / Recurring Tasks, Missed call, Auto complete, In app actions, Gesture support & it’s not over yet. If you want to know more then just download it.

Any.DO on
Price Free

7.    Google Drive

Google drive android

This incredible android app encourages you to save and share anything and everything! This app which gives you 5GB storage space for free (with an option to pay and get more) can sink files with your PC, work offline without the need for internet and can upload files directly from your android device. You can use this Android app to access your photos, documents, videos and other files stored on your Google Drive.

Google Drive on
Price Free

8.    Instagram

instagram for android

Yet again iOS exclusive made it’s enrty to Android world this year, it’s fast, free and fun really. This facebook owned app is just the right fit in today’s sharing era where every click of a photo is up on social media in no time. Share your photos with friends and follow them in a simple way and get photo updates instantly.

Instagram on
Price Free

9.    Flipboard

flipboard for android

I have been longing to use this app on my android smart phone as I always did on iPad and here it is. This app has been released for android and it’s just too good. You can read news and also connect your social media accounts to access them in the form of a magazine. This is an award winning experience to flip through the news from your Twitter timeline as well as from outlets like the BBC, USA Today, The Verge and not to forget the amazing time seeing the photos and feeds from friends and family on Facebook and Instagram.

Flipboard on
Price Free

10.    Robin

robin virtual assistant for android

She can tweet for you, provide parking information (real-time), needless to say she is capable of providing navigation directions, and many things endless. This super virtual assistant is endorsed by TechCrunch, CNET, Wired, Lifehacker, etc is worth giving a try.

Robin Virtual assistant on
Price Free

I find these apps not only useful but also technically fit for smooth performance to the best of my knowledge.

Did I miss your favorite android app?