7 Unknown Features of VLC Media Player

Unknown features of VLC Media Player

No doubt that there are uncountable users of VLC media players out there. And I’m sure that most of those VLC users don’t even know some features that are not only useful but also really amazing. If you’re using VLC Player just for playing music and videos, than you are lying far behind in being a pro in using it. Let me clear it in simple word that VLC Player is not just a player; it is the combination of various other amazing features and tools that makes your many things a lot easier. Soon you’ll realize that you don’t need to download extra softwares and fill up your hard disk, and that’s because may be what you’re looking for is already in the VLC.

7 unknown features of VLC Media Player

You guys must be confused and at the same time excited to know those rarely known features of VLC. So with no further delay, let me show you all the 7 amazing unknown feature of VLC media player and these features are definitely going to help you to use VLC like a Pro.

1. Convert Media Files:Convert a media file using vlc media player

One of the amazing features of VLC media player is that you can convert files between different formats. You can just shrink a video to fit with your mobile format support. Not only this, you can extract the audio from a video file and can save it as a separate media file.

Steps to convert a media file between different formats in VLC Media Player:

  1. Click on Media menu and select “Covert / Save”.
  2. Select the file you want to convert and then click on “Convert / Save”.
  3. Select the desired format and click on “Save”.

2. Watch YouTube:Watch YouTube videos on vlc media player

You don’t need to use your browser to watch your favorite YouTube videos because VLC media played provide you with an option to stream YouTube videos on it. But this feature is not really that amazing because you need an URL to stream a YouTube video on VLC.

Steps to Watch YouTube videos on VLC Media Player:

  1. Click on Media menu and select “Open Network”.
  2. Paste the URL in the Address box and click on “Play”

3. Record the Desktop Screen:Record desktop screen using vlc

VLC media player provide you with another amazing tool that you can record your desktop screen and save it. VLC can use your desktop as an input and you can choose the desire format before you start recording your desktop.

Steps to Record the Desktop Screen using VLC Media Player:

  1. Click on Media menu and select “Convert / Save”.
  2. Select “Desktop” as Capture mode.
  3. Set the required frame rate and click on “Convert / Save”.
  4. Now change the desire settings like format, destination folder etc. click on “Save” button.
  5. Click on “Start” to start the recording and click on “Stop” to stop the recording.

4. Live Stream the Desktop Screen:Stream desktop screen over internet

You can not only record your desktop screen but can also stream it live over the internet. This feature is really amazing and is very useful for teaching purposes etc.

Steps to Live Stream the Desktop Screen using VLC Media Player:

  1. Open Media menu and select “Stream”.
  2. Select “Desktop” as the Capture device and adjust the frame rate.
  3. Now select the Streaming method from the drop down menu and click on “Add” to add a destination.
  4. Adjust the Transcoding and other options and click on “Stream” to start the streaming.

5. Video Wallpaper:Video wallpaper using vlc

Another cool feature of VLC media player is that it allows you to set a video clip as your desktop background. Yes! It is really possible only with VLC. A video as background will look more alive than a static wallpaper.

Steps to set a Video as Desktop Background using VLV Media Player:

  1. Open Tools menu and select “Preferences”.
  2. Select “Video” button on left and choose “DirectX video” from the Output dropdown list under Video Settings.
  3. Click on “Save” button and restart the player.
  4. Now play any desire video on VLC and right-click on it.
  5. Go to “Videos” and Select “DirectX Wallpaper”.

6. Audio and Video Effects:Audio and video effect in vlc media player

VLC media player also allows you to add audio and video effects to your media. You can add these features temporarily or even permanently by using “Convert / Save” feature. VLC provides you effects like rotating, overlaying, colorizing, cropping etc. You can also synchronies the audio with the video if it’s not properly synchronized.

Steps to add Audio and Video Effects to a media file using VLC Media Player:

  1. Open “Tools” menu and select “Extended Settings”.
  2. Adjust the effects as required and other settings from the given tabs: Audio Effects, Video Effects and Synchronization.

7. Subscribe to Podcasts:Subscribe to Podcasts on VLC media player

You don’t need to download any other software to listen Podcast on your computer. If you have VLC media player installed, then you can stream the podcast.

Steps to Subscribe the Podcasts:

  1. Open Playlist menu, go to “Additional Sources” and then check the “Podcasts” option.
  2. Now again got to “Additional Sources” and select the “Configure Podcasts”.
  3. Now paste the Address of Podcast’s feed. Now you can stream the podcast from the playlist.

So these were 7 unknown features of VLC Media Player that can add a lot to your daily computer needs. Check out our other articles on Windows, “How to upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1″ and “10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows”. So tell us what you think about these amazing features in the comments below.

10 Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows [Part 2]

We recently posted the “Part 1” of “10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows” and now we’re back with the “Part 2”. Today we have 10 more Keyboard shortcuts to help you save a bit of your time while handling your windows computer. So just like the shortcuts of previous part, if you can master these too, you really enhance the quickness and smoothness while navigation. Moreover, these shortcuts will be really helpful in case your mouse is not working properly.

So here are the “10 keyboard shortcuts for windows (Part 2)”:

  • F2:

Keyboard Shortcuts (F2)

This shortcut is used to Rename the files and folders.Keyboard Shortcuts (F2) e.g.

  • F3:

Keyboard Shortcuts (F3)

This shortcut is a “Search Shortcut”. It will open an explorer window with the highlighted Search Bar. If any explorer window is already open, then it will just highlight the Search Bar.Keyboard Shortcuts (F3) e.g.

  • F6:

Keyboard Shortcuts (F6)

This shortcut is similar to the “Tab” button but not exactly same. It will highlight the different options in a window. For e.g. in Google Chrome Browser, it will cycle between address bar, bookmark bar and scroll panel.

  • F10:

Keyboard Shortcuts (F10)

This shortcut highlights the File menu in explorer window.Keyboard Shortcuts (F10) e.g

  • Ctrl + Shift + N:

Keyboard Shortcuts (Ctrl + Shift + N)

This shortcut will create a New Folder.Keyboard Shortcuts (Ctrl + Shift + N) e.g.

  • Shift + Del:

Keyboard Shortcuts (Shift + Delete)

This shortcut will permanently delete a file from your computer instead of sending it to the recycle bin.

  • Alt + Enter:

Keyboard Shortcuts (Shift + Delete)

This shortcut is used to open the Properties of a file. It eliminates the need of right clicking on a file to view its properties.Keyboard Shortcuts (Alt + Enter) e.g

  • Alt + Left Arrow & Alt + Right Arrow:

Keyboard Shortcuts (Alt + Left arrow)

These shortcuts are used to navigate Back and Forward in an explorer window. Just like Back and Forward button.

  • Alt + Esc:

Keyboard Shortcuts (Alt + Esc)

Just like “Alt + Tab”, this shortcut switches between windows, but in the order they were opened.

  • Shift + F10:

Keyboard Shortcuts (Shift + F10)

This shortcut will open the “Right Click” menu of a file or folder.Keyboard Shortcuts (Shift + F10) e.g

This was the “Part 2” of 10 Keyboard Shortcuts that you probably didn’t knew before. Don’t forget to check the “Part 1” and Windows 8 Shortcut Keys. Comments are warmly welcomed below.

10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows [Part 1]

Do you own a Windows Computer? If Yes, then this article is for you. Today in this article I’m going to show 10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows that you probably don’t know. A standard Microsoft Keyboard has 104 keys and there many combinations of different keys to help you control your computer without using mouse and to provide some direct shortcuts. If you can learn and master these keyboard shortcuts then you can navigate more quickly and smoothly in your computer.

So focus your eyes on the screen, place your hands on the keyboard and read the 10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows briefly explained with the pictures:

  • Alt + Space:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Alt + Space

This Keyboard Shortcut will open the Window System Menu, from where you can use options like Minimize, Maximize, Restore, Move, Size and Close. This shortcut is helpful to control Off-screen windows and to close windows which cannot be closed using “Alt + F4” shortcut.10 Keyboard Shortcuts Alt + Space e.g

  • Win + Pause/Break:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + Pause or Break

This Keyboard Shortcut will open the System Properties of you Windows computer, from where you can see the computer name and other system information like Processor, RAM etc.10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + Pause or Break e.g

  • Ctrl + Esc:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + Esc

This Keyboard Shortcut is kind of useless as it opens the Start Menu. Actually this shortcut is not exactly useless because it can be used as a good alternative in case the Window Key is not working.10 Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + Esc e.g.

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + Esc

This Keyboard Shortcut is used to open the Task Manager. So it eliminates the need of using “Ctrl + Alt Delete” first to do so.10 Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + Esc e.g.

  • Win + Home:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + Home

This Keyboard Shortcut will minimize all the other opened Windows except the current active window.

  • Win + Up and Win + Down:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + Up or Down

These Keyboard Shortcuts are alternative to the clicking on middle button (Maximize/Restore button) on the Window. “Win + Up” Keyboard Shortcut maximizes the current active window and “Win + Down” restores it.

  • Win + B:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + B

This Keyboard Shortcut selects the System Tray. Useful in case your mouse is not working.10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + B e.g.

  • Win + T:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + T

This Keyboard Shortcut will provide you a selection on the programs on the taskbar, just like placing the mouse pointer on the programs. By using this Keyboard Shortcut again and again you can cycle through all the programs on the taskbar. Then you can use “Space” or “Enter” to launch the program.10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + T e.g.

  • Win + 1, Win + 2, . . . . etc.:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + Any Number

“Win + Any Number (1,2,3….etc.)”  is the Keyboard Shortcut which will allow you to launch the programs on the taskbar. If you press “Win + 1”, it will launch the first program on the taskbar and similarly you can launch other taskbar programs by using corresponding numbers.10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + Any Number e.g.

  • Win + Alt +1, Win + Alt + 2, . . . . etc.:

10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + Shift + Any Number

“Win + Alt + Any Number (1,2,3….etc.)” is the Keyboard Shortcut which will allow you to open the Jump List of the programs on the taskbar. If you press “Win + Alt + 1”, it will open the Jump List of first program on the taskbar and similarly you can open Jump List of other taskbar programs by using corresponding numbers.10 Keyboard Shortcuts Win + Shift + Any Number e.g.

So this was just “Part 1” were 10 Keyboard Shortcuts that you probably didn’t know before. Soon we’ll post the “Part 2” of this list. Mean while you can check out best ways to Free Hard Disk Space on Windows and Windows 8 Shortcut Keys. So stay tuned and tell us what you think about these Keyboard Shortcuts.

How to Create a Keyboard Shortcut to Programs on Windows

Of course there is no problem in launching a program in Windows Computer by Double Clicking on the Program icon. You can just avoid looking for your favorite application in your drives and Start Menu Programs by creating a shortcut icon on desktop. But what about using the Keyboard to launch the program? Now Of course there’s no point in using keyboard over mouse, but you’ll have to, during the time when you have a damaged or not working mouse.

Now, we know that operating a computer using keyboard is quite difficult, which is on the other hand very easy using mouse. You’ll have to use Tab and Arrow buttons to toggle between desktop icons, Task bar and other options. But this problem can be eliminated by creating a unique Keyboard Shortcut for some different Programs and Applications. You can just use these keyboard shortcuts and can avoid pressing various other buttons. So in this article, we’ll learn to create Keyboard Shortcut to Programs in Windows.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Program in Windows


  • Easy: These shortcuts are easy to create and use.
  • Quick: These shortcuts work quickly.
  • Use of other various keyboard buttons to launch a particular program, which are difficult, is eliminated.
  • These Shortcuts are useful in the absence of a properly working mouse.
  • No Third Party Software is required.

How to Create a Keyboard Shortcut:

Creating a Keyboard Shortcut for a particular program is quite easy. All you need to do is a little change in Program’s Shortcut options. Below are the briefly explained steps:

  1. Click on “Start Menu> All Programs” and then go to the program you want to make a keyboard shortcut of.Create Keyboard Shortcut 1
  2. Right Click on the program and open “Properties”.Create Keyboard Shortcut 2
  3. Choose the “Shortcut” Tab. Under “Shortcut” Tab, you’ll find a “Shortcut Key” option.Create Keyboard Shortcut 3
  4. Write the desired shortcut letter for the program in the blank space. Like I’m using “C” for Google Chrome.
    Note: You only have to write the particular letter in the blank space, instead of writing the whole “Ctrl + Alt +” combination. The combination will be entered automatically when you’ll type the letter.Create Keyboard Shortcut 4
  5. Click “OK”.Create Keyboard Shortcut 5

Now you’re done. You can just use these keyboard shortcuts to launch your favorite programs and applications quickly using keyboard instead of searching for them in drives and Start Menu Programs. But this solution is useful only when you wish to have keyboard shortcuts for few programs. Using Keyboard Shortcuts for lots of programs will be messy and will cause confusion. Check out our other articles like Windows 8 Shortcut keys and learn how you can get a Start Menu in Windows 8. So I hope this will be helpful for you. Precious feed-backs of our lovely readers are warmly welcomed below in comments.

6 Android Apps to Teach Mathematics to Kids

Mathematics! I always hated it! My mom told me that when I was a kid, she used to spend hours to teach me those mathematical operations. And there’s no surprise in it that it was really difficult for her to make me understand those crazy operations. And also there’s nothing to surprise about that there are many other tired mothers out there trying to teach mathematics to their naughty kids (like I was ;)). Different mothers have their different ways of teaching. Some mothers do it in a strict way, some stay polite and also, there are some smart mothers who use some Fun ways to keep the interests of their kids in learning mathematics.

So the question arises that what are those Fun ways? Let me explain that a Fun and Interesting way is the way in which a kid does something he/she loves to do and at the same time he/she learning something useful. As we’re talking about the Mathematics, we need to look for things that our kids love and have to bring some mathematical teaching in it. The first thing comes in my mind is Gaming. Kids love to play games and the most handy and best gaming device you can find around you is an “Android Device”.

6 Android Apps to Teach Mathematics to Kids

There are many developers out there with an idea of teaching mathematics to kids via games and quizzes and they have provided us with some great really Android Apps. So, below are the 6 Android Apps to teach Mathematics to Kids.

Kids Numbers and Math Lite:

Kids Numbers and Math Lite


  • Naming of Numbers
  • Counting
  • Compare Numbers
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Match Numbers

Average Rating on Google Play Store:

4.4 out of 5 with 10,612 “5 Star” ratings.


Kindergarten Kids Math Lite:

Kindergarten Kids Math Lite


  • Counting
  • Sequences
  • Mazes
  • Tens & Ones
  • Addition
  • Subtraction

Average Rating on Google Plat Store:

4.4 out of 5 with 155 “5 Star” ratings.


Talking Kids Math and Numbers:

Talking Kids Math and Numbers


  • Learning Numbers
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • TV mode
  • Quiz Mode
  • High Quality 3D Graphics
  • Voice Interaction and Animations
  • Penguin Animations
  • Economic Education
  • Special Sound Effects

Average Rating on Google Play Store:

4.3 out of 5 with 1,283 “5 Star” ratings.


Kid Math Fun:

Kid Math Fun


  • Learning and Naming Numbers
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • 3 Different Difficulty Levels
  • Beautiful Animations

Average Rating on Google Play Store:

4.2 out of 5 with 96 “5 Star” ratings


MathOpen Cool Kids Math Game:

MathOpen Cool Kids Math Game


  • Mathematical Operations
  • Fun and Challenging
  • Flash Cards
  • Brain Puzzles
  • Math Quiz
  • Different Stages
  • Play according to Grade

Average Rating on Google Play Store:

4.2 out of 5 with 91 “5 Star” ratings.


Kids Math:

Kids Math


  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Division
  • Multiplication
  • Mixed Operations
  • Finding the Largest and Smallest Number
  • 8 Levels
  • Move to SD Card Support
  • Scoring System
  • Nice Graphics

Average Rating on Google Play Store:

4.1 out of 5 with 290 “5 Star” ratings.


These were 6 Android Apps which can really contribute a lot in teaching Mathematics to your little kid. Check out our other lists like 7 Old Childhood Games on Android and 6 Android apps for Couples. If any of our lovely readers know any other amazing app missing in this list then do share with us comments.

AwwPics: A Picbook for your Facebook

The Social Networking website “Facebook” with more than 950 million users currently is really becoming an addiction to many people around the world. We chat and share our stuff like pictures and videos with our friends and relatives and then we receive so many likes and comments. And just like me, I’m sure all Facebook users will agree that they love getting more and more likes to their pictures.

Today I was just checking the Play Store for some new apps and luckily I found this cool app “AwwPics”. AwwPics is a new app in the Play Store like the title says a Picbook for your Facebook. This app is all about the pictures and their likes.  It’s like the newest way to explore the Facebook pictures and really won’t let you miss any cool one. Explore the coolest pictures of your friends, edit your photos amazingly and see the likes coming.


Feature of AwwPics:

  • Explore Pictures:

    Explore all the cool and amazing pictures of your friends from the “Explore” option at the top of the app. You can see the pictures as little thumbnails which can be sorted differently. You can sort the pictures of your friends according to Popularity and Trending. You can see pictures of yourself too which can also be sorted as Popularity and Trending but also Latest ones.SC20130706-121940

  • View and Like Pictures:

    When you open any picture from the “Explore”, you’ll see that picture under “View” option.  There you can like the picture by tapping on “Like” button on the bottom right or you can skip and see the next picture by tapping on “Skip” button at the bottom left.SC20130706-122506
    When you like the first picture, you’ll be asked that “AwwPics would like to post to your friends on your behalf.” Tap on “OK” and it’s done. Next time you’ll like any picture then there’ll be no message like that. Now you can see and like unlimited pictures of your friends.SC20130706-122548

  • Edit and Add Pictures:

    You can add your pictures directly from your mobile. This is one of the best features of AwwPics. You don’t need to use any other third-party software to edit your pictures before uploading to Facebook. AwwPics provide you with its own in-built Edit feature. Tap on the “Add Photo” on the top right corner of the app. You’ll be asked that you want to take a picture or want to upload from the gallery. Choose whichever you want to and then you’ll be directed to edit feature.SC20130706-142658
    With AwwPics Edit Feature you can orient and crop your picture to an exact size. There are many cool and stylish effects available for you. You can enhance your picture by using Brightness, Sharp, Saturate and Tilt-Shift. Also not forgetting the collection of various nice frames available and text you can add in different fonts styles and colors in your pictures.
    There’s another interesting feature that If you don’t have enough time to edit your pictures than you don’t have to worry about wasting time on editing. AwwPics provide some nice editing suggestions. You can select any one you like the most.SC20130706-144332

  • Edit pictures of your friends:

    Here’s the cool thing. You can edit not only your pictures but also pictures of your friends. AwwPics provide you with an option to edit pictures of your friends you view. While viewing the pictures, you’ll see a button at the top right like a magic wand with a picture symbol at back. Tap on that button to edit the picture. This feature is a great one. It allow you to present your friends their own pictures but better than the original one.  SC20130706-122506

  • Voice control for liking Pictures:

    This feature is what which really attracts me. You can like the pictures using your voice. All you have to say is “Like!” When you view a picture under View mode, say Like and the picture will be liked. To turn on this feature, tap on menu button and then on “Voice control: OFF”. After that you’ll see “Voice control: ON” there.SC20130706-154429


  • Explore and Like Popular and Trending Pictures quickly.
  • Like Pictures using Voice Control
  • In-built Editing Tool


  • No option of Commenting on pictures

Download AwwPics now and Get Started:

AwwPics is available for free to download on Google Play Store (Link is below). Just simply download the app and install it on your android device. Launch the app and then Login to your Facebook account. That’s it. You are ready to enjoy the Picbook of your Facebook.SC20130703-201918

AwwPics is really a great app which allows us to Explore and Edit pictures. It’s fast and smooth. Voice control feature is really the attractive one and also the option of editing the pictures of friends really brings another star for this app. But, you can’t comment on the pictures. Someone like me who really like to comment on pictures is not going to be satisfied with this app.

So what you think? Are you going to download this app on your Android device? Do share your experience with us in comments.

Customize Auto-Download of Media Files on Whatsapp

is one of the best messaging app which allows you to send any type of media and also to share your location with others. It’s fast, smooth and easy to use. You can either chat personally with your friends and relatives or you can start a group chat.

In this article I’m talking about the media files (like images, audio and videos). Whenever we receive any media file via whatsapp, it either starts downloading automatically or in some cases you’ll have to download those media file manually. Keeping in mind that some people prefer manual downloading of media files and some prefer automatic, whatsapp had provided us options to customize auto download of media files.


Customize Auto Download of Media Files on Whatsapp:

Go to Media Auto Download:

Launch the Whatsapp application, press the Menu button and tap on “Settings”. Now Go to “Chat Settings” and then Tap on “Media auto-download”.

Whats Media Auto-Download

Customize Media Auto-Download:

In Media auto-download, there’ll be three options and under these options you can select which type of file you want to set for auto-download.

Whatsapp Media Auto-Download

When using mobile data:

The selected media will be downloaded under your service provider’s data plan. If you have no activated data plan, then this can lead to data charges while downloading the media.

When connected on Wi-Fi:

The selected media will be downloaded when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi connection.

When Roaming:

This option allows you to select that which type of media you want the auto-download when you’re under roaming.

It is important to note that you cannot customize the voice messages. They will always be automatically downloaded. So these were simple steps to customize media downloads of Whatsapp messaging application. Check out our other quick tips like how can you stop Auto-updates of Applications on your Android device.

Stop Auto-updates of Apps on your Android Device

So are you one of those Android users who are tired of unwanted auto-updates of the applications? And searching around to find a way to stop these auto-updates? So you’re at the right spot on the web. In this post, I’ve explained the method to Stop Auto-updates of Apps on your Android Device.Google Play Store

Stop Auto-updates:

Auto-updates are easy to stop by simply accessing to the settings of Google Play Store.

  • Go to Google Play Store Settings:

    Launch the Google Play Store. Tap on menu button and then tap on “Settings”.Auto-updates

  • Stop the Auto-updates:

    There you’ll find an “Auto-update apps” option.Stop Auto-updates
    Tap on it and you’ll see three options you can select from.Options for Auto-updates

    – Do not auto-update:

    Choose this option to stop auto-updates of apps on your android device. You’ll receive the notifications about new updates available. And also, you’ll have to visit the app which you want to update.

    – Auto-update apps at any time. Data charges may apply:

    This option will auto-update the apps at any time, whether you’re on Wi-Fi connection or using any service provider’s data plan. If you have no activated data plan, then this can lead to data charges while updating the apps.

    – Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only:

    This option will auto-update the apps only over Wi-Fi connection.

That’s it! It was easier than you guys thought. You can check our lists of best apps like, 6 best free launchers for Android and 6 best apps for couples. Precious comments of our readers are warmly welcomed below.

How To Use Chromecast under Incognito Tabs [Quick Tip]

Chromecast under incognito tab

Chromecast allows us to connect our Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop with our HD TV so we can watch stuff we like on a big screen and together with everyone. It is very easy to use as all you have to do is just plug it into the TV and connect it to the WiFi. Now you can stream videos on your TV directly from the browser of your device. Many times we use the “Incognito Tab” for private browsing because page we view under Incognito tab won’t appear in browser and search history and also won’t leave cookies.

But many users are facing a problem that they are unable to use Chromecast under Incognito tab. So in this article I’m explaining that “How you can use Chromecast under Incognito Tabs”.

Why you’re unable to use Chromecast under Incognito tabs?

The reason is that every browser uses a Chromecast extension to send videos to the TV. In case of Incognito browsing, all the extensions are turned off by default. So all you have to do is allow the browser to use the Chromecast extension under Incognito browsing.

Enable Chromecast Extension under Incognito browsing:

Step 1: Open “Extensions” page on your Chrome browser

Click on customize and control button on the top right corner of the browser. Then go to “Tools” and click on “Extensions”. You’ll be directed to a page showing all the extension installed in your browser. You can also visit this page by typing “chrome://extensions” in your URL bar.Google Chrome Extensions

Step 2: Enable extension

Look for “Google Cast” extension from the list and then check the “Allow in incognito” option.enable chromecast extension in incognito tab

It’s done. Now Chromecast will work properly under incognito tab and you can stream all the things you want to see on the big screen of your TV. You can check out our other quick tips like uninstall android apps which say “Uninstall not Successful” and remove unwanted Picasa Photos from the gallery of your android device.