Since the internet started, banner ads have been an effective way to publicize on the web. Banner comes in different sizes and design, and it may be flexible enough for you to customize to whatever how you want it look like.
The beauty of it is that, it could be animated as the gif format to make your advert more eye catching. The banner is hyper-linked to the URL of the advertiser.
Why design banner if not to make advert and showcase your product and services.
Banner has flooded the whole web and even the offline environment, which makes it a normal thing people see around. This post focuses on how you can stand out in the crowd and make your banner irresistible to all viewers and your prospective customers.
Top 10 tips on how to design Killer Banner ads
Always include “Enter” or “Click Here”
Every time you design a banner, always include one of these. It is true that those phrases are common and popular online, but it is proven and tested that these words works as a “take action” word, they are able to increase the effectiveness of a banner ad by 20 – 30%. They inspire the viewer to take action and click on the ad provided the headline of the banner also interests them.
Animate Your Banners
The animated banner format has two advantages; it quickly calls visitor’s attention, and is a way of making compressed less heavy moving pictures against video. Animated images are faster to load and your prospective customers won’t ignore because of slow site load rate. Animated banner ads increases effectiveness by 30-40%.
Optimize your banner for quick loading
Hope you know the disadvantage of elongated server load time, you get a lot of bounce rate and your banner ads won’t be effective. Try as much as possible to keep your banner ad under 10 – 12 KB. It is nearly difficult to accomplish with animated banner, but try to get it done. Most animated banners end up to size up to 15-20kB, this will look a little cumbersome to load faster on server.
One method for this approach is to keep the animation simple; movement should be on one or two elements. Most of the banner development tools have features to reduce the color to 16 or 256 which may way down help to reduce the banner ad to around 3-4 KB. Our aim is to have a neatly designed banner with high quality and loads quickly.
Use a unique headline
You have to be creative in your headline; a good looking banner ad with a meaningless headline will have a poor click rate. As beautiful as your banner is, also make your headline. The banner ad headline could be the same as that on your entry page. They click the banner because the information catches them, and they feel comfortable when they find the same headline on the entry page.
The word “Free” on banner headlines has proved to be more effective
Including the word free to let visitors know what your are offering for free increases click through rates of your banner ad.
Text with blue underline
Blue underlined text on the internet is believed to be links, people always want more info on headlines that interest them, the blue underline text tell them they can get referral to where the real information is.
Blue Boarder
Blue boarder has proved to increase response rate on banner ads than any other color. Blue seem to be so much influential on the internet.
Web address and company logo often makes your banner more authentic
Even though, this shouldn’t be the focal point, but it should be included in most cases, your headline is the most important, but your company’s logo or web address often add value and brand on people’s mind.
Use trick banners
Banner gets more responsive rate when it looks like something in windows which people can click on, examples are creative banners that looks like; button, sliders, check-boxes, and drop-down menus. People get curious with this type of banners and want to see what is behind the text and therefore click the banner.
Often change your banner ads
Studies have shown that banner ads lost its efficacy after it has been viewed thrice by a person, if by then, they never clicked on it, they will probably never again. You have to often replace your to avoid monotonies.