Top 10 tips for Designing killer Banner Ads for your business

Tips for banner advertising

Since the internet started, banner ads have been an effective way to publicize on the web. Banner comes in different sizes and design, and it may be flexible enough for you to customize to whatever how you want it look like.

The beauty of it is that, it could be animated as the gif format to make your advert more eye catching. The banner is hyper-linked to the URL of the advertiser.

Why design banner if not to make advert and showcase your product and services.

Banner has flooded the whole web and even the offline environment, which makes it a normal thing people see around. This post focuses on how you can stand out in the crowd and make your banner irresistible to all viewers and your prospective customers.

Top 10 tips on how to design Killer Banner ads

Always include “Enter” or “Click Here”

Banner adsEvery time you design a banner, always include one of these. It is true that those phrases are common and popular online, but it is proven and tested that these words works as a “take action” word, they are able to increase the effectiveness of a banner ad by 20 – 30%. They inspire the viewer to take action and click on the ad provided the headline of the banner also interests them.

Animate Your Banners

Banner ads

The animated banner format has two advantages; it quickly calls visitor’s attention, and is a way of making compressed less heavy moving pictures against video. Animated images are faster to load and your prospective customers won’t ignore because of slow site load rate. Animated banner ads increases effectiveness by 30-40%.

Optimize your banner for quick loading

Hope you know the disadvantage of elongated server load time, you get a lot of bounce rate and your banner ads won’t be effective. Try as much as possible to keep your banner ad under 10 – 12 KB. It is nearly difficult to accomplish with animated banner, but try to get it done. Most animated banners end up to size up to 15-20kB, this will look a little cumbersome to load faster on server.

One method for this approach is to keep the animation simple; movement should be on one or two elements. Most of the banner development tools have features to reduce the color to 16 or 256 which may way down help to reduce the banner ad to around 3-4 KB. Our aim is to have a neatly designed banner with high quality and loads quickly.

Use a unique headlineBanner ads

You have to be creative in your headline; a good looking banner ad with a meaningless headline will have a poor click rate. As beautiful as your banner is, also make your headline. The banner ad headline could be the same as that on your entry page. They click the banner because the information catches them, and they feel comfortable when they find the same headline on the entry page.

The word “Free” on banner headlines has proved to be more effective

Including the word free to let visitors know what your are offering for free increases click through rates of your banner ad.

Text with blue underline

Blue underlined text on the internet is believed to be links, people always want more info on headlines that interest them, the blue underline text tell them they can get referral to where the real information is.

Blue Boarder

Blue boarder has proved to increase response rate on banner ads than any other color. Blue seem to be so much influential on the internet.

Web address and company logo often makes your banner more authentic

Even though, this shouldn’t be the focal point, but it should be included in most cases, your headline is the most important, but your company’s logo or web address often add value and brand on people’s mind.

Use trick banners

Banner gets more responsive rate when it looks like something in windows which people can click on, examples are creative banners that looks like; button, sliders, check-boxes, and drop-down menus. People get curious with this type of banners and want to see what is behind the text and therefore click the banner.

Often change your banner ads

Studies have shown that banner ads lost its efficacy after it has been viewed thrice by a person, if by then, they never clicked on it, they will probably never again. You have to often replace your to avoid monotonies.

How to Disable Auto App Widgets to home screen of your Android Device

After getting a new Android phone, among the first thing to do is to install apps. First you install the must have Android apps then you move on to install some of the best games on Android.

But you know, Android has over 800,000 apps and if you are a app freak, you keep on installing dozens of applications on your device. When you return to the home screen of your device, you see all the applications you installed recently have created widgets on your home screen. It looks really untidy so you start deleting the widgets one by one now. Next time when you install applications it repeats teh same behavior.

Basically you don’t even know that there exists a way to disable auto app widgets to home screen of your Android Device. And this is why I decided to write this quick guide to show you how to do it.

How to Disable Auto App Widgets to home screen of your Android Device:

  • Open Play Store App of your Android device.
home screen with app widgets
This Home screen looks untidy and pure waste
  • Go to Settings here you will see “Auto-add widgets” which is ticked right now. This is the reason due to which whenever you install any application it adds a widget to home screen.
Play store with Auto Widgets checked
See carefully Auto Widgets is checked
  • Just “Uncheck” this option and from now there will be no widgets on home screen on installing a new application.
Play store with auto widget unchecked
Just uncheck the option

I hope now you know how to Disable Auto App Widgets to home screen of your Android Device so it’s your duty to help others too. Was this guide useful? Do tell us in comments.

Stop Auto-updates of Apps on your Android Device

So are you one of those Android users who are tired of unwanted auto-updates of the applications? And searching around to find a way to stop these auto-updates? So you’re at the right spot on the web. In this post, I’ve explained the method to Stop Auto-updates of Apps on your Android Device.Google Play Store

Stop Auto-updates:

Auto-updates are easy to stop by simply accessing to the settings of Google Play Store.

  • Go to Google Play Store Settings:

    Launch the Google Play Store. Tap on menu button and then tap on “Settings”.Auto-updates

  • Stop the Auto-updates:

    There you’ll find an “Auto-update apps” option.Stop Auto-updates
    Tap on it and you’ll see three options you can select from.Options for Auto-updates

    – Do not auto-update:

    Choose this option to stop auto-updates of apps on your android device. You’ll receive the notifications about new updates available. And also, you’ll have to visit the app which you want to update.

    – Auto-update apps at any time. Data charges may apply:

    This option will auto-update the apps at any time, whether you’re on Wi-Fi connection or using any service provider’s data plan. If you have no activated data plan, then this can lead to data charges while updating the apps.

    – Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only:

    This option will auto-update the apps only over Wi-Fi connection.

That’s it! It was easier than you guys thought. You can check our lists of best apps like, 6 best free launchers for Android and 6 best apps for couples. Precious comments of our readers are warmly welcomed below.

How To Watch Netflix And Hulu Outside USA On PS3

Watch netflix on PS3 outside USA

Netflix, Hulu and similar other websites are the best way to legally watch movies and TV series. There is only one problem with such services. Mostly they are not available outside America. Earlier I had showed you how to watch Netflix, Hulu outside USA in Ubuntu. In this article I’ll show you how to watch Netflix, Hulu outside USA on PS3.

There are some prerequisites for this tutorial but you can always get them if you don’t have them already:

  • You need to download and install Hulu or Netflix. For this to be possible, your account needs to be linked to USA. If your existing account is in your native country, it is advised to create a separate account in Play Station USA.
  • You need to change the network settings of your PS3. For this to be possible, you need to know the IP address of your PS3 (you can see it in the network settings), and the IP address of your router. Usually the IP address of the router should be

Once you have these two requirements, lets see how can you use Neflix, Hulu outside the US in PS3.

Watch Netflix outside USA on PS3:

To keep the article confined, short and readable, I am not including the pictures for each and every step. I assume that since you are willing to do this, you are advanced enough to follow the instruction in text mode. I have written the tutorial for wireless network but similar steps can be used for wired network as well.

Step 1: Change DNS in PS3

The main trick here is to change the DNS settings to make Netflix server believe that your IP is actually in America. We’ll be using the DNS from Tunlr here to watch Netflix outside USA on PS3.

  • Start your PS3 and go to Settings ->Network settings -> Internet connection settings.
  • Here out of Easy and Custom, choose Custom and then Wireless.
  • In WLAN Settings, go for Enter Manually.
  • The next screen should be IP Address Setting. Again, go for manually. Now comes the important stuff.
  • To provide the information in IP Address Settings, you’ll need the IP address of your PS3. Use the same IP address which was used by your PS3. In fact you can use any IP address in your subnet.
    Subnet Mask .0 should be fine.
    Default router: IP address of your router
    Primary DNS: .9
    Secondary DNS: .109
  • Just move on the next screens without making any further changes until you get the option of saving the settings. Save the setting and exit.

Now we are ready for the second part and that is to download Netflix or Hulu app from Play Station Store.

Step 2: Download Netflix or Hulu app in PS3

I assume that you have created a new account on Play Station US.We’ll be using it pretty soon. But before that you need to create a new user account in your PS3. Remember that you’ll not have access to your saved game data when you change the PS3 user. You’ll be able to access it if you change the user back to older one. All users will be available to choose from and you can change between them any time.

A very detailed article on using multiple user account in PS3 will help you for certain. Now go to Play Station Store with the newly created user. Since this is the first time for the new user, it will ask you to log in to Play Station Network. Use the account crated on Play Station US. Once logged in, look for Netflix or Hulu app in store. Download it and enjoy.

To summarize: Create new user on PS3, log in to PSN with US id, download the apps and enjoy :)

I hope it helped you. You can also read how to watch Netflix outside USA in Ubuntu. Any questions, suggestions are most welcomed.

How To Allow Multiple Users To Upload Videos To Single YouTube Account

Are you a blogger? Do you create videos and upload to YouTube? You have more than one person in your team and they are making video too but you can’t give your login details to anyone because they may even just take away all hard work by simply changing password. So what should you do know? Well, we have answer to all your questions. Just see the guide below and even easier watch the video attached below. If you like it gives us thumbs so that we keep on uploading stuff like that and is possible share it.

upload videos

How to allow multiple users to upload videos to single YouTube account?

  • First thing you need to do is go to you YouTube account then click on Settings. In this case we have YouTube account of our friends at Ask Your “HOW”.

YouTube settings

  • After that go to advanced option

Advanced settings in youtube

  • Click on Link to Google Plus Page.

 Link Google Plus to YouTube

  • Select from Google Plus pages (we have four pages and we are going to select with whom you want to connect your account with.

Google Plus Pages

  • After that go to that Google Plus Page and head over to Managers section then click on “Add Managers”.

Add Manages in Google Plus Page

  • Enter the email address of the person whom you want to allow upload the videos.

Send Invitations for Google Plus Page

  • Now after accepting the invitation when person login in his/her account then he/she need to click on “switch accounts option”.

Switch accounts in YouTube

  • Now person can choose the account he/she wants to use. Here in this case there are two accounts one is and other one is “Ask Your HOW”

Now chose from various accounts at YouTube

Thus in this way they can upload the videos to single YouTube account without even knowing your passwords. You have learnt how to allow multiple users to upload videos to single YouTube account its time to learn how you can make huge business with YouTube alone. Did you like this guide? Do tell us in comments below.

How To Use Chromecast under Incognito Tabs [Quick Tip]

Chromecast under incognito tab

Chromecast allows us to connect our Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop with our HD TV so we can watch stuff we like on a big screen and together with everyone. It is very easy to use as all you have to do is just plug it into the TV and connect it to the WiFi. Now you can stream videos on your TV directly from the browser of your device. Many times we use the “Incognito Tab” for private browsing because page we view under Incognito tab won’t appear in browser and search history and also won’t leave cookies.

But many users are facing a problem that they are unable to use Chromecast under Incognito tab. So in this article I’m explaining that “How you can use Chromecast under Incognito Tabs”.

Why you’re unable to use Chromecast under Incognito tabs?

The reason is that every browser uses a Chromecast extension to send videos to the TV. In case of Incognito browsing, all the extensions are turned off by default. So all you have to do is allow the browser to use the Chromecast extension under Incognito browsing.

Enable Chromecast Extension under Incognito browsing:

Step 1: Open “Extensions” page on your Chrome browser

Click on customize and control button on the top right corner of the browser. Then go to “Tools” and click on “Extensions”. You’ll be directed to a page showing all the extension installed in your browser. You can also visit this page by typing “chrome://extensions” in your URL bar.Google Chrome Extensions

Step 2: Enable extension

Look for “Google Cast” extension from the list and then check the “Allow in incognito” option.enable chromecast extension in incognito tab

It’s done. Now Chromecast will work properly under incognito tab and you can stream all the things you want to see on the big screen of your TV. You can check out our other quick tips like uninstall android apps which say “Uninstall not Successful” and remove unwanted Picasa Photos from the gallery of your android device.

How To Send Private Messages In Google Plus [Quick Tip]

Almost all social media sites allow us to send private messages like in Facebook which you all know. In Twitter you can send Direct messages but what about Google Plus? Do you know the way out? No, I am not talking about using Hangout for sending chat messages. The reason being that you won’t notice the message left in Hangout as easily as in Facebook.

We have a quick tip to send private messages in Google Plus. People don’t know about this because Google Plus is pretty young as compared to Facebook and Twitter.

  • Just go to New Post and select the person to whom you want to send private message. For example, in this case I am sending a private message to Follow him and me too 😛

Screenshot (15)

  • I have typed my message and now here comes the trick. The place where you typed the name of the person whom you want to send message in the end you will see a drop down arrow.

Screenshot (16)

  • Click on the arrow and select “Disable reshares” from the option. This is important or else the private message can be shared by the receiver with others.

Screenshot (17)

  • And it’s done.

Did you liked this quick tip then share it and also give up thumbs up. If you want to boost your social media Marketing on Google Plus check out this guide. Soon we will be bringing a lot of posts like this.

Uninstall Android Apps Which Says “Uninstall not Successful”

One of the problems Android users face is that they are unable to uninstall some particular apps from their devices. When you try to uninstall Android app from the Settings, it says “Uninstall not Successful” like in the Screen-shot below where I am trying to get rid of AirDroid.

Uninstall not succesful error in Android
I faced the same problem a little while ago and I almost believed that I can’t uninstall android app because of this nasty Android uninstall not successful error. I was like I have to see these unwanted apps in my drawer and they’ll consume my mobile’s memory forever. But fortunately while I was just trying to find any way to uninstall these apps, luckily I figured it out.

Why you’re unable to uninstall some apps?

The reason is that those apps are running as Device Administrator. Some apps ask for permission to run as the Administrator of your Android device when you launch them. So, there’s no way to uninstall such apps until you disable them as Administrator.

Uninstall Apps which says “Uninstall not Successful”:

It’s very easy to Uninstall Android Apps which say “Uninstall not Successful”. All you have to do is just unselect them from Device Administrators.

Step 1: Unselect the app from Device Administrators:

Go to “Settings” of your android device and the tap on “Location and Security” options from the list. There you’ll find an option “Select device administrators” under “Device administration”, open it. You’ll see a list of apps which are running as Device Administrator. Now unselect the app which you want to uninstall but unable to do so.

Uninstall not succesful error in Android

Step 2: Try Uninstalling the App:

Now use the normal method of uninstalling the app from Settings> Applications> Manage Applications. You’ll be able to uninstall the app which you un-selected in the First Step.

That’s it! It was easy. Now you don’t have to worry seeing uninstall not successful error any more. Like, you don’t have to worry about unwanted and not delete-able Picasa Photos in the Gallery of your Android device.  You can remove them easily.

How To Remove Picasa Photos From Gallery In Android

Remove Picasa Web Album from Android gallery

I guess I am not the only one irritated with unnecessary syncing of Picasa web albums in Android Gallery. Heck! there were so many of unnecessary photos in my Samsung Galaxy S2 gallery. To get rid of the Picasa photos from the gallery, I un-synched Picasa from the settings but guess what, I could still see the Picasa web albums in the gallery. If you have come looking for how to delete Picasa album from Android, you are at the right place.

In this quick tutorial, I’ll show you how to remove Picasa photos from Android gallery.

Remove Picasa photos from Gallery in Android:

Removing Picasa web albums from the display in gallery is really easy. All you have to do is to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Remove Picasa from the synchronization

First most thing is to remove Picasa from the synchronization. Go to Settings and then scroll down to Accounts section. Select the Google account you use for synchronization. Click on it and there, clear the option of Sync Picasa Web Albums.

Remove Picasa Photos from Android

Step 2: Refresh gallery

Even when you have un-syched the Picasa web albums, you’ll still see Picasa photos in the gallery. This is because the gallery has not been refreshed and this is why it still shows Picasa photos in it. To refresh gallery, go to Settings->Application Manager->All tab. Scroll down to find Gallery application. Click on it to see more options about it. You’ll see an option of Clear Data here. Click on it to force refresh the gallery.

Remove Picasa Photos from Android

It will take some time if you have a large collection of albums or else it will only take few seconds to get it refreshed. And that’s it. An easy way to delete Picasa photos from gallery in Android. Isn’t it? Sometimes obvious is not that obvious. Such as the case where you want to enable swipe delete for Gmail app in Android rather then the default swipe archive.