OLX.in which has turned out to be a game changer in India for classified ads, is ruling the mobile world as well. has over 10 million installs in less than 3 months which is a clear proof of OLX’s growing popularity.
If you do not know already, OLX.in is an online portal for classified ads. While such sites are common in first world countries, it is first of well managed and smartly promoted websites in India. In fact, OLX can be credited for creating a consumer-to-consumer selling market segment in India which does not even existed before OLX.
Unlike the traditional way, on OLX users can put up their used goods, be it electronics, furniture or clothes. That’s not it, one can sell literally everything, this is why it originally campaigned as “sab kuch bikta hai” (everything is being sold here). Buyers can choose from a vast selection of used items, under their budget, within their comfort zone, right from their computer/mobile screen. OLX doesn’t sells the products on its own. It just provides a platform for buyers and for the sellers, both common people.
You can assess its popularity by the fact that OLX.in gets over a billion views per month. OLX’s “bech de” campaign is a part of gen-next lingo. In short, OLX has changed the way India used to sell its used item.
The fact that youth of India spends most of its internet time on mobile instead of desktop, forced OLX to have a native app with clean interface and easy to navigate design. This resulted in its Android app which, as stated earlier, has already been a huge hit with over 10 millions download in less than 3 months. With 4+ average rating on Android, OLX is ruling the Android world as well.
You can download OLX app for other mobile platform as well. OLX is available on all major mobile platform such as iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry etc.
Have you tried OLX on mobile? How is your experience? DO share it with us.