How to quickly change the Month/Year in Windows 7 calendar?


You often use the Windows calendar for viewing the dates, don't you? But sometimes you may also have come across the need of changing the month/year very quickly. For eg. If today is 4 Apr 2011 and you need to go to December 2004, it will take a hell … [Continue reading]

How to enable Secure “https” brwosing on Facebook


Its a dirty cyberworld. And with the advancement of technology advanced are the dangers. On an unsecure wi-fi connection hacking facebook is child's play. You might have heard of "Firesheep" add on of Firefox which enables to login in to others' … [Continue reading]

How to measure the throughput of a network with ipmt Unix command

ipmt, for IP measurement tools, is a set of tools able to carry out performance measurements on IP networks at the transport layer. tcpmt and udpmt are network performance measurement tools at the transport layer (respectively TCP and UDP). Every … [Continue reading]

How to manipulate the routing table in Unix

The routing table of a station can be modified or seen thanks to the route command. It may be used to add or remove entries in the table. The routing table can be displayed by "netstat -r" command (For more information on netstat command please … [Continue reading]

How to install and run Nessus on Ubuntu, Linux or other Unix like OS

Nessus Logo

Nessus is a great network security tool but installing it correctly can be a real pain some time even for advance user. I faced few problems and that is why I noted down all the necessary and sufficient steps. The steps below are explained for Ubuntu … [Continue reading]

Report: Business Assessment report on RFID based University Degree Certification

I, along with my friends, did a small Business Assessment project in my Entrepreneurship course. We proposed for a new business venture of RFID based University Degree Certification. The Business Assessment was based on John Mullins Seven Domain … [Continue reading]

Report on Microstrip filter design using the stubs and transmission lines techniques

I, along with my friends, did a small project on Microstrip filter design using the stubs and transmission lines techniques during my Microwave course. The project was developed on AWR Mircowave office and was tested on Vector Network Analyzer. … [Continue reading]