With over 1.9 billion monthly active users and average upload of 350 million of photos per day, has now become a best place to share our best memories in the form of photos with our friends and relatives. We can upload the photos in our Facebook ID and can share them with our Facebook friends just by clicking the Share button. But what about sharing a Facebook photo with someone who is not a Facebook user? What about sharing a Facebook photo with someone via mail?
Let me tell you guys that our best Social Network, Facebook, has provide us a simple way of sharing our photos with someone who is not on Facebook. Facebook gives you a Public Link of our photos to share them with anyone via any medium like e-mail or any other social network. Below are the brief instructions that “how can you share Facebook photos with a friend with no Facebook account”.
- Login to your Facebook account and click on the “Photos” on the left side to access your all uploaded photos.
- You’ll see all of your albums. Now open the album and further open the photo you want to share.
- Now look for the “Get Link” option. You’ll find it under your photo, click it.
- You’ll see a dialogue box with a link and a message “You can use this link to share this photo with anyone, even if they don’t have a Facebook account. Anyone with the link will be able to see your photo.” Copy the link. Now you can share your photo with anyone who’s not on Facebook by using this link.
So this was how you can share a Facebook photo with a non-Facebook friend. Readers are warmly welcomed to share their views in the comments below. Meanwhile check out “AwwPics: A Picbook for Facebook”.