If you are reading this post you might be bugged by several unknown icons appearing on your Android phone. I was annoyed by such unwanted icons appearing on the home screen of my Samsung Galaxy S2. These icons are actually advertisements that are flushed on your home screen using “push notifications” by some application(s) that are installed on your phone. The app developer earns a revenue each time you click on it.
Here is a screenshot of my home screen in Samsung Galaxy S2 which shows how these push notification ads look like:
As I said before, you have installed some apps which use this push notifications to earn revenue. Our next step would be to find such (cr)apps and to do this we have this smart app . Download and install this app. It immediately tells you what apps are pushing those unwanted icons on your home screen:
As you can see in the pic above, I have got three apps that are annoying me with those crappy ads on my home screen.
Now when you have found the culprit apps, you have two options. Either you uninstall these apps or you find another way to stop these push notification ads. You can easily do the first one. But if you do not want to uninstall the app, you should go for the second option. Lets see how to do it.
How to stop push notification adds
Install .
Opt-out on the web at . Just enter your IMEI and our tool will encrypt it using md5 and then permanently opt it out. We must encrypt it with md5 since we only store the encrypted version on our servers as an additional privacy layer.
If you are okay with providing the IMEI to a third party application, you should be happily using it. One more thing, it will stop the push notifications for the apps installed till now. If you install a new app which uses push notifications, you need to opt-out on the web again.
Hope it helps you in getting read of the unwanted icons on your home screen in Android. Cheers