Must Have Firefox Extensions

Must Have Firefox Extension Add OnsIn today’s world of Internet most of us spend most of our time on the WORLD WIDE WEB and to do that each one of us has their own favored browser either Firefox or Chrome or Internet Explorer (really?). Within these browsers, you can install addon/extension to make your browsing experience better. If you are a Firefox user then here is a list of must have Firefox extensions which you can install to make your browsing experience better:

  1. ABPAdblock Plus: If you are annoyed by too much of ads on the websites or you want to keep yourself away from the malware domain, then this extension can help you. The official description states that:

    Adblock Plus allows you to regain control of the internet and view the web the way you want to. The add-on is supported by over forty filter subscriptions in dozens of languages which automatically configure it for purposes ranging from removing online advertising to blocking all known malware domains.

    You can get it from the official Firefox Addon store. Here is the link to get it:

  2. TranslateWiktionary and Google Translate: When you visit a page which is in a language which you don’t understand or speak, this extension come in pretty handy in those situations. Also it does in-line translation of words and can help you improve you vocabulary. If we go by the official description, this is what it does:

    The extension brings two functionalities to your Firefox browser:
    * in-line translation of words;
    * translation of the whole page.

    Here is the link to get this extension:
    PS: You have to restart Firefox after installing it.

  3. personasPlusPersonas Plus: From time to time I like to change the look n feel of Firefox by utilizing the Personas which are themes for Firefox and are freely available. But to get them, one has to browse through the Firefox Personas website and that’s where this extension comes in. It give you control and easier access to new, popular, and your own favorite Personas.
    Here is the link to get this extension:
    PS: You have to restart Firefox after installing it.
  4. DownloadStatusBarDownload Status bar: This extension lets you avoid the extra window which opens up when you start any download and shows the status of download within the status bar of Firefox. The official description states:

    Despite its compact size, Download Statusbar packs in more useful features than the standard download window. The fully customizable interface auto-hides when not in use, allowing full control without interruption.

    Get this extension from this link:
    PS: You have to restart Firefox after installing it.

  5. FirebugFirebug: Now this one extension is for web application developers, and for people who like to look into what’s happening underneath the nice looking web page. It’s lets you easily access the source code of the web app and edit it and monitor.

    Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.

    Download it from here:

I hope one of these extensions makes your browsing experience better. If you have any other extension you like, please do share with us.

[Review] Reddit Gets Harder To RESist

If you, like me, are a Reddit addict (a Redditic(TM), if you will) and have considered enrolling with the Redditics Anonymous in your locality on several occasions, you should probably stop reading here.

Reddit Logo

If you’re still here, you’re either beyond help, or just a rebel at heart. Either way, here’s something that could help improve your Reddit experience.

RES or Reddit Enhancement Suite is a browser add-on available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari that allows users to customize and enhance their Reddit experience. Like any other add-on, it is easy to install, AND for a change does not require the annoying browser restart after installation. It is automatically used by the browser whenever you browse Reddit.

Overall, the plugin is relatively easy to configure using the “gear” icon on the top right of the screen.

Irresistible features of RES :

Here are the features I found interesting in this browser plugin:

My Dashboard :

Reddit Dashboard

This features allows you to create a Dashboard for yourself – mainly to choose the mails, users and subreddits you like to follow, all on one page.

  • You can choose a Mail widget which lets you choose between Unread messages, Messages, Comment replies, and Post replies.
  • You also have a User widget that allows you follow (read, spy on) comments and posts from a particular Redditor
  • And finally, there’s the Subreddit widget, that lets you see your preferred subreddit(s) on your Dashboard.

Personally, I feel it speeds up the time-wasting process by letting you see all your points of interest on a single page.

Account Switcher:

This feature proves useful for the Reddit veterans with several accounts who need to switch accounts often. It can be activated in the Settings Console under the Accounts tab.

Acctount Switcher in RES

Once configured, you can switch between your various accounts with a simple click, saving you the time of having to log in and log out of accounts if you choose the “keep me logged in” option. Having numerous accounts also allows the configuration of a Dashboard corresponding to each account.

This feature could also be useful on shared computers for different users to save their accounts (even though it might not be the most secure way of going about things).

View Images:

This feature gives you the option of being able to see images in-line WITH the posts (as seen below), instead of having to click on them individually. Especially practical with r/Pics and the likes.

View Images In RES

NSFW Filter:

People who browse Reddit at work or in schools might find this feature highly useful since it automatically hides NSFW posts to prevent that accidental (and potentially dangerous) click.NSFWFilter

User Tagging:

This feature allows you to tag different users with any name you’d like. This might help you to better identify users you recognize. It also provides Gmail-esque color codes for these user tags.

A personal suggestion would also be to use it to identify users as Troll00, Troll01, Troll02 and so on, to save time on comments you needn’t take seriously ;)

Never-ending Reddit:

And FINALLY, it provides you with Never-ending Reddit! This avoids a page reload every time you change pages and lets you see several pages of posts on the same screen.


These features are just the tip of the iceberg and there’s lots more for you to discover once you get acquainted with the add-on. Happy Redditing!!!

Disclaimer : The author is not to be held responsible for any colossal drops in productivity experienced due to the information provided by this article :P

Game of the week: WGT Golf Challange

Google Chrome has a fair collection of games, probably the largest collection of browser games. WGT Golf Challenge is one such game which has lots of good features and eye candy. You never feel like you are playing a browser game. Since it has good graphics, playing it on a slow network may not be such a good idea. Broadband network will give a full Golf experience. Game is totally Free because there are significant advertisements during the game when it reloads after every shot (to some extent, irritating). In any case, for Golf Lovers its a good treat. Here is a link to download the game:

Your views and feedback are most welcome. Enjoy Golfing :)

Download and Play Angry Birds for Free in Google Chrome

You don’t need an IPhone or an based phone to get your hands on the famous Angry Birds game. It is available for FREE as an extension in Chrome Store. So you can download this extension and play it right in your . The game is available in two versions: SD Version and HD Version. The best thing, it can be played offline as well.

Download (while using Google Chrome web browser) the game:

Once you have downloaded the game extension you can see it in your New Tab under Apps:

Would be glad to know your views on it.

Review: Midori, A browser faster than Google Chrome

There are a number of web browser available now a days. With the leader being Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari. With these browsers fighting for the user share it seems difficult for a new browser to make waves in to cyber world. But if a product has merit then its quite unlikely that it will go unnoticed. Such a thing is Midori, an open source extremely light web browser (still in alpha state but works quite good even in alpha state) developed by a Japanese firm (Midori means Green in Japanese Language). Midori is exclusive for Linux only and is not available to download on Windows. You can install Midori using apt-get:

sudo apt-get install midori


  • Extremely light, takes very less time to start
  • Loads web pages in a flash, fast rendering
  • Full integration with GTK+ 2
  • Tabbed browsing
  • Private browsing
  • User scripts and user styles support
  • Speed dial
  • Configurable web search


  • Negligible extensions, a web browser without extension is a women without makeup i.e. ugly and useless (no offence to women)
  • Ctrl+Enter does not work for putting .com at the end (i.e. write facebook+Ctrl+Enter in the address bar to go to instead opens another tab to search (for facebook). Quite annoying. I tried to change it but could not find any settings to do it
  • Not available on Windows
  • Does not have wide support, some web-based application may not work properly

Midori is making lots of buzz in the market. This is why some of the Linux distributions (such as Bodhi Linux, Elementary OS and probably OpenSuse ) are shipping with Midori as their default browser. Since it does not eat much of the resources, it is definitely worth giving a try.

How to update Google Chrome

Ever think of updating your Google Chrome web browser? Usually Chrome doesn’t notify for updates like Mozilla Firefox does. It claims that  it updates automatically but if you want to check whether you are running the latest stable version of Google Chrome you can do it easily by checking the setting options. It also updates the browser from the same options Follow these simple steps:

Look for the “wrench” symbol in the top-right corner of browser. Click on it and choose “About Google Chrome”.

Clicking on “About Google Chrome” opens a Dialogue box which states the current version you are using and also tells you to download if a newer version is available.

Once it finishes the download it asks you to restart the browser.

On the contrary, if you are running the latest version, the screen looks like:

Enjoy :)

How to find saved passwords in Firefox or Google Chrome?

For the ease of using internet on a personal computer we often save our passwords in the web browser (Remember the pop up with “save the password”, “not now”, “never for this site”). It saves you from the pain of entering the passwords in the websites. Do you know these saved passwords can be easily viewed by any person using the computer. Your passwords are not safe in the case if people have access to your computer.

You can also use the same for hacking some friend’s passwords if you have physical access to his system.

Its not rocket science. Its very simple. You might also knew it before hand. In case you don’t follow the steps:

1. Mozilla Firfox:

  • Open the Firefox.
  • Click on “Tools” on the top of the browser
  • Choose “Options”
  • Choose “Security” tab
  • Click on “Saved passwords”

  • Here you can see various websites and the username stored on it
  • Select any of them and click “Show password”
  • There it is, right in front of you. 

2. Google Chrome:

In Google Chrome, go to settings (the wrench symbol on the top right corner). Choose options. Go to “Personal Stuff” tab and select “show saved passwords”.