Elon Mask, the visionary co-founder of l, has planned a city on red planet Mars. One of the eligibility criteria: Vegetarian. 41 years old billionaire is also a private space entrepreneur and founded his third company SpaceX in 2002. His rocket Falcon 9 delivers NASA cargo to International Space Station. He is one of the most respected space entrepreneur in the world.
A city on Mars might seem a straight lift from a science fiction, but Elon seems to be determined on it. Speaking to the Royal Aeronautical Society, he said:
Then it seemed ridiculous because there were no rockets, no infrastructure and NASA was the only game in town — and it had no schedule for exploring Mars……
But with my work, and many others working in the private sector, the mission is coming closer to reality.
The Sun newspaper reported that the new civilization would run off sustainable technology. All the vegetarian people, need not to be too happy. The population limit of the planned city is 80,000 people. As in Elon’s words:
“Too few, and the gene and culture pool dries up, too many and you risk civil war.”
What do you think of this? Is it just a far-fetched idea like Hilton hotel on moon or will it see the light of the day?