5 Social Media Startups To Look For In 2013

Boom! Yeah, it’s time for Social Media to boom in 2013. This year in SXSW the world saw some “next big thing” lined up to explode in Social Media. There are others which were started earlier but are catching the pace in 2013. This era of Social Media definitely is yet to be hit by the best!

Here is the list of 5 Social Media startup to watch for in the year 2013:

1) BizBrag– Your one stop dashboard for all your social media profiles. After you connect all your social profiles on BizBrag, you are supposed to create Braggits which contain all the information about you, your business, products or services. A Braggit is a stand alone web page that is designed to rank well in search totally search engine optimized.  Braggits can be used to spread the word and generate leads for your business or offers. You can also check the performance of your Braggits and edit/delete to meet your demands.

BizBrag Social Media Startup

2) Speakerfy– The new Social sound platform, Speakerfy allows to share, listen and enjoy music and videos with friends making a perfect audio system on the go with the help of all the devices available to connect. Speakerfy allows users to sync music wirelessly between various devices connected to internet. It can be used to link to friends’ playlist and connect devices like smart phones, iPods and iPads to create a sound system by broadcasting through the speakers of these devices. This was one of two winners of the “” contest at SXSW 2013.

speakerfy social media startup

3) – Fuel-in your words on Social Media; fuel-out the pattern of engagement by prospects, generate leads and convert them into customers. The goal of the team at LeadRocket is to enhance the way of conversation between business owners and their sales representatives with potential customers over social media thereby maximizing sales. LeadRocket provides all the tools necessary for analyzing the users’ behavior and pattern of interactions over social media by monitoring clicks, listening to feedback and counting pages views etc that were led by their social media posts. This helps sales people a great deal allowing them to understand the interests of their prospects on social media and the best time to engage the users.

LeadRocket social media startup

4) – A place where trading happens through Twitter. Booked-Hooked-Cooked by CLDmkt.com through Twitter! You can now #buy, #sell or #trade on Twitter with the help of . What CLDmkt does is provide tool for tweeples to buy and sell things on Twitter. The user tweets a listing @CLDmkt with the help of and the listing stays up and active until the transaction completes. The biggest advantage to use this awesome platform is the instant listing of your trade word. Unlike the sites like eBay which takes quiet some time to get your listing posted, CLDmkt provides you an opportunity for instant trading. There could be some unanswered disadvantages but time will surely be the answer!

cldmkt social media startup

5) Hyperactivate– It delivers innovative solutions to broadcast your brand message to the targeted audience on Social Media and make your campaign a huge success online. They en-cash the deliberate potential of fans and followers who spread the word thus making Hyperactivate an application that isn’t passive but participatory. The innovative way to engage your fans and followers making them speak about your brand’s mouth by spreading the word.

Hyperactivate social media startup

Which one is your favorite Social Media startup this year and why?