This is the best time of the years for netizens. Black Friday and Cyber Monday brings so many outrageously money saving deals that one cannot just resist. If you are a blogger, trust me, this is the best time to invest some money in super saving deals in hosting, themes, plugins. If you keep on looking for discount coupons through out the year, look no more. You would rarely get better discount than Black Friday and Cyber Monday coupons.
If you are tired of looking at places searching for Black Friday discount coupons for WordPress themes and plugins, I have collected some of the best Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals for Bloggers.
Best Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deal for Bloggers
I have categorized the super saving Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals in 3 categories: Hosting, WordPress themes and WordPress premium plugins. Check them out and by your favourites with heavy discount:
Discount coupons and deals for hosting services:
4 months free with WP Engine:
WP Engine, the best and fastest manged hosting for WordPress, is offering 4 months of free hosting on their yearly pre-paid plan. Which means you are basically getting 33% off on the usual price. All you have to is to use cyberhostingspecial13 coupon while checking out.
Up to 75% off on Hostgator:
has several deals starting from Black Friday 29th Nov to Cyber Monday 2 Dec. The whole Black Friday to Cyber Monday weekend will be 60% OFF Hosting (Starting at $1.98/month) and $4.50 domains. Apart from that limited time flash sales will be running each day for 75% OFF the hosting and domain. All you have to do is to go to website on this weekend. No discount coupon needed.
Discount coupons and deals for WordPress themes:
40% off on Magazine3 premium themes:
40% off on all the Magazine3 premium WordPress themes. Magazine3 has several premium WordPress themes for all sort of bloggers be it technology blog, news website, food blog or parent blog. Matt Kaludi of Magazine3 has announced 40% off on all the themes from 29th November till the Cyber Monday i.e. 2 December. All you have to do is to use DISCOUNTMADNESS2013 coupon while checking out.
$240 worth of 4 e-Commerce theme in $20 at Envato
Envato, the parent organization of projects like Theme Forest and Code Canyon is giving 4 of the best e-Commerce theme in $20. Just visit this link to get the amazing offer. And this is not it, there are several other offers as well. No need of a discount coupon, just visit Theme Forest.
50% off on ThemeFurnace premium themes
Several beautiful WordPress themes at ThemeFurnace are available at 50% flat discount. Just use Happy13 coupon code while buying the themes.
91% off on MyThemeShop memebership
MyThemeShop is offering a whooping 91% off on over 60+ premium WordPress themes. The offer is valid only till Black Friday i.e. 29 Nov. You’ll get over 60+ themes when you signup for the memebrship of the theme club. The usual price is $99 but you will have to pay just $8.95. There is a monthly fee of $9, but if you cancel it, you will still own all the themes (without updates).
Discount coupons and deals for premium WordPress plugins:
Get 35% off on OptinMonster
OptinMonster is a premium WordPress plugin for lead generation. At present, this is highly praised email subscriber pop up plugin. You can get 35% off all the plans using BF2013 coupon code.
List is not over just yet. There are many more Black Friday and Cyber Monday discount deals for bloggers. I’ll keep the post updated with new discount offers. If you know some nice Black Friday deals for bloggers, do share it with us. Save money. Enjoy