Thank You Google for reminding us of forgotten heroes!

Google is an inseparable part of my life. I use it for important tasks, I use it for fun, I use it even if I have an iota of doubt regarding any matter. In this quest I visit the Google homepage several times a day. And often there I find pleasant surprises which are known as Google Doodles. These Google Doodles are a tribute to the people whose work has contributed to the society and who are hardly being remembered, if not completely forgotten.Some of these doodles are on very popular personalities known by almost everyone while some these are dedicated to people who worked and contributed to a niche.

One of such doodle, which is released today, is dedicated to Alan Turing:

Alan who?

Frankly, I never knew that there existed such a guy named Alan Turing despite of being a Communication System Engineering major. But I clicked on the link and read about the guy in Wikipedia and I was amazed at the life even of this English mathematician without whose contribution, modern computing might not have been the same. The pic (I found it on Facebook) below simply summaries it:

I just want to say “Thank You Google” for reminding us of these great heroes through the doodles.