How to solve: No Wireless Network Detected in Ubuntu 11.10

One of the most common problem one faces after a fresh install of Ubuntu is the loss of Wireless Network. And believe me that is the biggest pain for a normal user. The problem double-folds if the wireless adapter is broadcom (do not know what is your wireless adapter? click here). Some of the general problems are showing no wireless adapter, showing wireless adapter but detecting no wireless networks etc. [Read more…]

How to move your email subscribers to the easy way

Moving from to self hosted is not the same as moving from Blogger to WordPress. The one thing which concerns any user in moving from to is the fear of losing the huge chunk of email subscriber he/she might have earned in his/her popular blog. Everyone wants to retain their previous readers list but the problem is that none of the standard feed service like feedburner or feedblitz provide an option for importing the email list. [Read more…]