How to install and run Nessus on Ubuntu, Linux or other Unix like OS

installation on UbuntuNessus is a great network security tool but installing it correctly can be a real pain some time even for advance user. I faced few problems and that is why I noted down all the necessary and sufficient steps. The steps below are explained for Ubuntu but I think similar steps can be used for other Unix like OS.

Step1: Download the ubuntu package from the website:
and Run it.
Step2: To start nessus, type this command in super user mode: sudo /etc/init.d/nessusd start
Output of this command will result in:

$Starting Nessus : .
takshak@takshak-NB:~$ Missing plugins. Attempting a plugin update…
Your installation is missing plugins. Please register and try again.
To register, please visit

Step3. Go on the given link and resgister on the home version, check ur mail get the license and use the command specified in ur mail as super user. It will register the Nessus and will also downlaod the missing plugins.

Step4. Run the nessus by using command: sudo /etc/init.d/nessusd start
Running Nessus command nasl gives an error “nasl : command not found”

(i) Try this command: whereis nessus
output will look something like: nessus: /opt/nessus/bin/nessus

(ii) Check the path see if the mentioned directory is added in the path or not by using command: echo $PATH
If the output of the command is: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games
then the command is not added to the path

(iii) Add the dirctory to the path by using the command: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/nessus/bin

Step5: Then start nessus by using command: sudo /etc/init.d/nessusd start

Step6: To run a nasl file use: nasl -t target_ip filename.nasl

How to solve “workspace in use or cannot be created” error in Eclipse Java

Recently when I installed Eclipse after formatting my laptop, I was annoyed by the error “workspace in use or cannot be created” coming out every time I tried starting the application. I tried changing the name of workspace but it was of no use. Then I found out another way to solve this problem which I would I like to share. You have to do a little bit of modifications in the configuration file. The steps are following:

  • Go the Eclipse folder (mostly in C drive)
  • Go to configuration and then .settings
  • Look for org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs
  • Open it in a text editor
  • Here look for lines with RECENT_WORKSPACES
  • Delete it

Try using Eclipse now. The trick worked for me. Hope will work for you as well. The reason, to my knowledge , is that I copied this Eclipse folder to my External Hard Disk after using it several time. Therefore the workspace setting was changed in it and I tried using Eclipse with the same setting which did not match as I had change the name of my computer.