Will 3D Printing Change The Way We Think About Food?

Star Trek apparently has a lot answer for. Sub atomic food replicators and transporter technology are the kinds of fanciful futuristic technological devices dreamt up by science fiction writers penning their latest blockbuster novels. And yet, stranger than fiction tech already exists – it’s just a case of scientists and tech minds finding a way to make it work for the average consumer.

3D printing is currently an ‘all the rage’ topic with many champions hailing the technology as being some kind of second coming.

Every area of industry and mass marketing consumerism is seemingly fair game for 3D printing attention, and food is certainly not immune to the 3D printing treatment.

3D Printed food Nasa

(image credit: Fab@Home)

Mission to Mars

A whopping 78,000 applications were received when the Mars One project was unveiled. With an estimated arrival date of 2023 the race is on to find ways of keeping those hardy travellers in sustainable food.

NASA recently given a large sum of money ($125,000) to Anjan Contractor who is working on a prototype of his universal food synthesizer.

Contractor told how long distance space travel requires a 15 year shelf life for food. Their project is aiming to remove all moisture but keep carbs, proteins and micro & macro nutrients in its products. Essentially the foods will be in powder form and which Contractor says will give a 30 year life span to edible goods.

Feed the world

Space missions aside this technology may have a greater impact here on terra firma.

It’s estimated that by 2040 the planet’s population will have ballooned to nine billion and with food producers struggling to provide for the masses this 3D printing technology could be the saviour of our global population.

Contractor believes that as long as the balance of nutrients is correct then the powder derivative could be produced from insects, therefore alleviating strains on livestock and other sources.


Anjan Contractor has already produced a pizza printer which gives users the opportunity to manufacture their own doughy creation.

Everything from the base to toppings can be discretely extruded and printed which will result in one of ‘mama’s best’ hitting the table.

For the masses

How this technology can be rolled out for the average consumer is still a topic of hot debate. Affordability, actually getting printers into households and the impact on grocery stores are all creases that need to be ironed out.

With backing from NASA though it looks like Anjan Contractor is taking the first steps to possibly ending world poverty. Time will tell how well the results fare.

Author Bio: This piece was written Computer and You as a contribution from Emco; a UK based 3D printer and machine tools supplier.