As per the recent , few changes to Google Plus have been made. If you are not in the group of “Yay” to these changes then I feel sorry for you since your “Nay” would not be considered as these changes have been claimed to be done as per the feedback from the users.
The list of changes to Google plus includes:
1) Bigger Cover Photos-
I am partly in for this and my opinion is definitely “Yay” but I totally disliked the feature of “Text over the image”. This is not done, really. The photo of up to 2120px by 1192px in size which is displayed in 16×9 when fully expanded looks vibrant and seals the attention. The “Follow” button and the profile picture have also been positioned on the cover photo. The profile picture is now displayed in a circle showing just the features of your face and not your entire face if it’s a close up pic! People in Google, you are fading out the most important image on the profile just to highlight the text on it. Something like Facebook design would be great since it allows free look for the cover photo while displaying the profile photo and text below it. Come-on now don’t “say we do not like to copy” as I see you have already copied the Twitter style if not the Facebook version!
I know its frustrating to keep updating your cover photos every now and then and that is the reason I found this awesome Google Plus cover template just for you.
2) All new “About”-
The mania for “Cards style” display design on the web has taken its toll on Google Plus as well! The About Tab now has separate cards to tell the “Story”, give the information of “Places”, insight to the “Links”, etc. Education, Work, Basic information all appear in separate cards for a better distinction between the information. You can share specific information fields with specific circles as always.
3) Local Reviews tab-
The awesomeness of this new update is tab for your “Local reviews”. You can highlight your favorite restaurants, or hide the tab completely via settings which I would never do.
The point of problem!
Different sizes of your cover photo would be displayed depending upon the tab which your profile visitor lands on. Until explicitly scrolled up, the image size that is displayed is different for different tabs in this new Google Plus design which is a “Nay” for me. In the below image you can clearly make the differences between the sizes of the cover photos when landed on two different tabs.
Dear Google, if you can really change to meet the users feedback then here is one from me!
Number one requirement (at-least for me) is an ability to merge two Google+ profiles associated with two different Gmail ids. Agreed you have already provided an option to merge two accounts with the help of , but it only allows to transfer the circles and not the usability or the feeds. We are still required to either completely close one of the accounts or we need to continue to manage both the accounts. And there are many other clichés which I recently experienced by merging the two accounts and which I am repenting merging them in first place due to lack of flexibility.
I don’t understand why Google plus which is a social profile or social networking site is built to be associated with Gmail ids? Why can’t it be an independent media profile like Facebook or Twitter or other social networking sites? Do you have any better ideas for this problem, then please leave your thoughts in the comments. Editor-in-Chief