How To Watch Age Restricted YouTube Videos Without Signing In [Quick Tip]

You Tube is the Internet’s most popular website where one can watch videos uploaded by users all over the world. With around a billion monthly users, it has a vast variety of user base to cater their needs. Among several such videos uploaded by users, You Tube finds some of them as not appropriate for everyone and flags them as .

How To Watch Age Restricted Videos On YouTube Without Signing In

Age restricted videos require you to sign in first so that Google can determine your age. Google checks the date of birth you provided while creating the Google account. Now, you may find yourself in a situation where you might not want to sign in to your Google account for some reason. Lets say, you are on a public computer and do not want to log in there for security reason and still want to see the video. In this quick tip, I’ll show you how can you watch an age restricted YouTube videos without signing in.

How To Watch Age Restricted Videos On YouTube Without Signing In:

Go to the desired video and look for its URL. It should look something like this:

Notice the bold part “watch?v=” in the above URL? Replace it with v/ or embed/ like this:


And you should be able to see the video without even signing in. The video will be displayed in full screen though.

How To Watch Age Restricted Videos On YouTube Without Signing In

I hope the quick tip have helped you in watching the age restricted videos. Enjoy :)

How To Add Battery Percantage In Android Notification Bar [Quick Tip]

Android BatteryAs an owner of a smart phone,  you must have realized that the battery life of a smart phone is always a thing of concern and it lasts only a few hours if you use your phone to its full capability i.e. access data, play games and music in speakers. Keeping an eye on the battery status helps you in avoiding battery troubles by timely charging it and if you cannot charge then saving the battery left for further usage.

By default Android shows the battery status in graphical way  in the top notification bar. But this notification does not give a clear view of the battery status. One cannot be certain of how much battery is left with the default notification. In this quick tutorial I’ll show you how can you show battery percentage in Android notification bar.

How to show battery percentage in Android notification bar:

  • Go to Settings->Display.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and under More settings, check the option of Display battery percentage.

Android Battery

Voila! Enjoy the battery status in mathematical way 😛 By the way, you may want to follow best practices to get better battery life for your Android phone.

How To Watch Online Streaming Videos With Subtitles

Subtitles help a lot of people to watch movies or videos in foreign language. Many people practice a new language by watching videos with subtitles. Using subtitles with a video file stored on your hard disk or removable disk is not a big issue. In fact you can even watch movies with subtitles on your TV, but watching online streaming videos with subtitles can be tricky, or is it?

You Tube has tons of videos in almost all the possible languages. Growing demand for subtitles led Google to implement the automatic subtitle generator in You Tube videos but these are of very poor quality. In this tutorial, I’ll show how can you watch movies and videos from sites like You Tube, Vimeo, Daily Motion or any such streaming video site:

How to watch online streaming videos with subtitles:

To watch an online video with subtitle, you’ll need two things:

  • VLC Media Player
  • Appropriate subtitle for the video

This tutorial was performed on Ubuntu 13.04 but the steps should be valid for any operating system that can run VLC player.

Step 1:

Go to the streaming video and copy its URL.

Step 2:

Start VLC media player. If you don’t have it installed, download it from here. VLC media player is one of the must have software for any operating system. Once you have started VLC, go to Media tab and choose Open Network Stream from the options:


Step 3:

In the windows opened by Open Network Stream, paste the URL of streaming video, and click on play to start playing the video.

VLC play youtube videos with subtitles

Step 4:

Once it starts playing the video, you can add the subtitles to it in the regular manner. Which means you can download the subtitles from a website like and then add it in VLC player by right clicking and choosing Subtitles and then Open File. For more details follow this article on how to add subtitles in VLC player.

More tips:

Try to view videos which does not have many parts. Subtitles for those will be available easily. One of the many benefits of watching the streaming video in VLC  is that you can choose the aspect ratio to suite your computer screen. Also, you can sync subtitles easily in VLC.

I hope that this tutorial would have helped you. Questions, suggestions and feedback are always welcomed. Cheers :)

How To Swicth User Accounts In Twitter On Android [Quick Tip]

The latest update for Twitter’s official Android update has left many users sulking. Among several changes, one is the way it used to handle multiple accounts. In previous version, one can simply click on the settings button on the phone to change between various Twitter accounts added to the official Twitter app. But the new update has moved this option and this step has left many people wondering how to switch between user accounts in Twitter.

How To Swicth User Accounts In new Twitter Android App:

In this small tutorial, I’ll tell you how can you change between different Twitter accounts on the new Android app. The tutorial was performed on Samsung Galaxy S2 running on Android Jelly Beans but should be valid for other Android phones as well.

Step 1:

Log in to Twitter app.

Step 2:

Go to the Me tab.

Step 3:

If you have multiple accounts added in the Twitter App, you should see the option of changing the user account besides the Setting button:

Twitter Switch User Accounts on Android

When you click on the Switch User button, it should give you the option of switching between all the accounts already linked to the Twitter App.

Twitter Switch User Accounts on Android

Voila! Enjoy multiple Twitter user accounts like a pro. If you still having troubles or just want to say thanks, feel free to drop a comment. always happy to hear from readers.

How To Get Notification for Mails in Gmail Folders [Galaxy S3]

New Email Gmail LogoBeing an ex-iPhone user and a present Galaxy S3 user, one of the things which I didn’t like was the fact that there was no notification for new emails which were skipped from my Inbox and directly sent to the folder using filters. But recently, while going through the official Android Gmail app on my Galaxy S3, I found that they provide a feature with which you can enable notification for new mails under specific folders/labels and it’s very simple to do that. Here is how to get notifications for mails in gmail folders:

Step 1:

Open the Setting Menu of Gmail app.

Setting menu of Gmail app.
Setting menu of Gmail app.

Step 2:

Select the account which has the folder/label for which you want to receive the notification.

Setting menu page 2 of Gmail app.
Setting menu page 2 of Gmail app.

Step 3:

Under “Data Usage”, select “Manage Label”. This will take you to the screen with list of labels you have on your account and you can customize the “Sync and Trigger Notification” setting.

Under "Data Usage", select "Manage Label".
Under “Data Usage”, select “Manage Labels”.

Step 4:

Under “Manage Labels” you’ll find the list of labels you have in your Gmail account. From this list you have to select the label for which you want to get the notification. In my case, it’s “Android”.

List of labels you have on your Gmail account.
List of labels you have on your Gmail account.

Step 5:

When you choose the label you want to customize (in my case “Android”), you come to this screen. Here you have to choose “Sync Messages”.

Choose Sync messages here.
Choose Sync messages here.

Step 6:

To start syncing the mails under this label, you have to choose one of the provided sync setting. By default it’s at “Sync None”. To save data usage of your mobile, choose “Sync last 30 days”. If you are on wifi, you can use ‘Sync All” to get all previous mails under this label.

Select sync setting.
Select sync setting.

Step 7:

After configuring the Sync setting you can configure the Notification setting which was previously disabled. Check the “Notifications” box and voila, that’s done.

Choose the notification setting.
Choose the notification setting.

Once you activate the notification setting for a particular label, every time when you receive a new mail you’ll get a notification like a normal mail in your Inbox. For now, there is nothing on the default Email app of the Samsung Galaxy S3 but I hope they introduce this kind of feature soon.

How To Get The New Facebook News Feed

Facebook has changed the look of its news feed (your Facebook home page) again. And we’ll see how to get the new Facebook news feed. But first lets talk about the changes. It is one of the major changes in Facebook after the Graph Search. The motto behind the new redesign of news feed is to make it less clutter and more organized with more relevant content.

At first look, the new look in the mobile version is clearly inspired by (hold your breath) Google Plus. Facebook has copied several features of Google Plus ever since Google Plus is released. Privacy policy, circles, tagging are few to name. But it is also true on the other way round. Google Plus too has taken inspirations from Facebook.

Not going in to the game of who-copied-from-whom, lets see what are the features of new Facebook News Feed:

  • Bigger photos
  • Quick access to all of the feeds
  • A unified look across the web and mobile
  • Less cluttered, more organized

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

How to get the new Facebook news feed:

As of now the new Facebook news feed is available to a few people only and it is still in beta mode. But you can always request an invite. Go to https:// and scroll down to the bottom. Look for the “Join Waiting List” button and click on it to get the beta invite.

New Facebook News Feed

To get the invite earlier, change the default Facebook language to English US. The same trick work in case if you are looking for how to get Facebook Graph Search. How do you like the new Facebook news feed? Do share it with us.

Solve Windows 8 ‘PC ran into a problem and needs to restart’

I have recently upgraded my Windows 7 to Windows 8 on my HP TM2 laptop and since then the learning curve has been pretty steep and I have learned my new things within windows 8 along with the hidden issues of it. One of the most annoying and recurring was the issue while shutting down my PC. The error I was getting was pretty simple, most of the time while shutting down, windows used to crash and I was getting following error screen:

Windows 8 restart problem

The error reads as:

Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info and then we’ll restart for you.

A similar error was this one:

Windows 8 restart problem

Which reads as:

Your PC ran into a problem. This problem caused your PC to restart. You can send info to Microsoft about what went wrong to help us improve Windows.

Initially when I was taken unwillingly to this screen by the great windows OS, I didn’t try to fix it and I thought, may be it’s just a replacement screen for the great blue screen of previous versions of Windows but then I started getting this screen very often and finally I decided to look for a solution and after googling, I found a fix which is pretty simple.

Step 1:

Open power option either by clicking on the battery icon if you are on a laptop else by using shortcut “Window Key + X” and then choosing “Power Options”:

Opening power option on Laptop.
Opening power option on Laptop.
Opening power option on Laptop/PC.
Opening power option on Laptop/PC.

Step 2:

Choose “Change what the power buttons do“.

change what power button does

Step 3:

Once you are on Power Button page, click on the “Change settings that are currently unavailable” text in blue color.

chnage what power button does
Activate unavailable options

Step 4:

If the “Turn on Fast start-up” is unchecked then check it and if its checked then uncheck it and save the changes and you are done.

Activate or deactivate fast shut-down to resolve the issue.
Activate or deactivate fast shut-down to resolve the issue.

Hopefully, if there is no other hidden surprise in windows 8, you won’t see this message again [fingers crossed].

How To Delete 100s Of Comments At Once In WordPress

I was trying to design my new website Whistling Pens with Bizco theme of Themify. Apart from installing the theme, I also imported sample content in it and God it had 1200 pending comments in it. Now it would have been disastrous to delete these 1200 comments as by default you will only see 20 comments in the comments section. Lets see how can we delete 100s of comments at the same time:

Step 1:

Go to WordPress admin area and then go to Comments section from the left sidebar. In here, on the top right corner choose Screen Option.


Step 2:

If you click on the Screen Option, it will provide several options to choose or configure the fields that would be displayed on this page. Change the number of comments to (say) 200.

Wordpress-Screen-Option-2Step 3:

Now to delete these comment check the top box (in the header, just above the first comment) to select all 200 comments. Select ‘Move to trash‘ to temporarily delete them. Once done, go to trash and select “empty trash“.  And then repeat this step. Emptying the trash can be important if your server cannot take load of several comments deletion at the same time.

Enjoy :)

This may seem simple but it could let you think for a while: what is my Feedburner ID? You may need this Feedburner ID in case you have a blog and you want to use a widget that allows readers to subscribe to your blog’s feeds by email. When I had this situation, it took me sometime in searching where is my Feedburner ID. This is why I came up with this quick tip to help you to find Feedburner ID.

How To find Feedburner ID?

Step 1:

Go to and sign in to your account.

Step 2:

If you have more than one feeds (for more than one blog) you’ll have one unique feedburner id for each of them. Once you have logged in, go to my feeds which will take you to all of your available feeds.

How To Find Feedburner ID

Step 3:

Click on the desire feed. It will open a page where you can see all the details related to that feed such as number of subscriber, its reach etc. You don’t need to bother about it. Just look up to the browser address. At the end of the URL, you should see something like dashboard?id=XXXXXXXXXXXX. This alphanumeric code after ‘id=’ is the feedburner id for your desired feed.

How To Find Feedburner ID

That’s it. Wasn’t it easy to find Feedburner ID? If you face any troubles, feel free to drop a comment. Enjoy :)