This may seem simple but it could let you think for a while: what is my Feedburner ID? You may need this Feedburner ID in case you have a blog and you want to use a widget that allows readers to subscribe to your blog’s feeds by email. When I had this situation, it took me sometime in searching where is my Feedburner ID. This is why I came up with this quick tip to help you to find Feedburner ID.

How To find Feedburner ID?

Step 1:

Go to and sign in to your account.

Step 2:

If you have more than one feeds (for more than one blog) you’ll have one unique feedburner id for each of them. Once you have logged in, go to my feeds which will take you to all of your available feeds.

How To Find Feedburner ID

Step 3:

Click on the desire feed. It will open a page where you can see all the details related to that feed such as number of subscriber, its reach etc. You don’t need to bother about it. Just look up to the browser address. At the end of the URL, you should see something like dashboard?id=XXXXXXXXXXXX. This alphanumeric code after ‘id=’ is the feedburner id for your desired feed.

How To Find Feedburner ID

That’s it. Wasn’t it easy to find Feedburner ID? If you face any troubles, feel free to drop a comment. Enjoy :)