Ubuntu 13.04 has been released last month. I hope you are enjoying the new features in Ubuntu 13.04. As Ubuntu releases a new version every six months, Ubuntu 13.10 will be released, traditionally, in October 2013. Ubuntu 13.01 has been named Saucy Salamander and despite the speculation, it is not a rolling release. If you are an enthusiast. you should add the Ubuntu 13.10 release schedule to your calendar.
- Alpha 1 – June 20th
- Alpha 2 – July 18th
- Alpha 3 – August 1st
- Beta 1- September 5th
- Final Beta – September 26th
- Release Candidate – October 10th
- Final Release – October 17th
One of the changes that you might have noticed is that there is only one beta version in Ubuntu 13.10 release schedule. This is different from the tradition of having two betas before the release.