How to use Eclipse for Perl Programming

Eclipse is a boon for developers. It is an outstanding development environment. The best thing about it is that it comes with no cost at all, absolutely free. Eclipse is more known as a Java development environment. By default it supports Java only but it also has plug-ins for Perl,C/C++ and PHP. Now its double boon. In this post we will cover how to install the Perl plug-in in Eclipse. Perl integration in Eclipse is provided by EPIC. Here are few things that you must have before proceeding to install the Perl plugin:

  • You have Eclipse installed on your computer (If not then get Eclipse)
  • You have Java SDK on your computer (If not then get Java SDK)
  • You have on Perl SDK your computer (If not the get Perl SDK)

If you have all these three, then lets proceed for installing Perl plug-in.

Step 1:

Start Eclipse. From the “Help” menu. Select “Install New Softwares”

Step 2:

In here you will be asked to provide the source of the update. Add this source: Click add. Then you will be asked to name this plugin. Choose “Perl” (or whatever you want to name it). Click Next.

Step 3:

Now click the check box EPIC and press Next. And then follow a series of Next Next click. Accept the license terms. And go for Next.

You might be prompted with this warning. Just click “OK”

After successful installation you will be asked to restart Eclipse. Restart Eclipse.

Step 4:

Now that you have successfully installed EPIC Perl plugin in eclipse, its time to run the Perl environment in Eclipse. Go to workbench. On the right corner you can see a Java button and another button in its left. Click on it and select “Other”.

When you click other, it opens Perspective and gives you several options. Select Perl and click Ok.

There you go. You have both Perl and Java environment. At any time you can go back to either of them by selecting the respective environment.

Hope it was helpful. Comments, feedbacks and suggestions are welcomed. Enjoy :)

How to type in Hindi and other Indian languages on any website like Facebook, Twitter

Write in Hindi and Indian Languages on Facebook, Twitter and any other wesbiteIf internet is your religion then Google is your God :) Always there to guide and help. This time with their Transliteration bookmarklet. Sometimes when you want to reply in Hindi or any other language you simply feel helpless and you wish for an easy way that could enable you to write in Hindi or other languages. Google powered websites like Orkut has automatic option of writing in Hindi but not all of them provide such luxury. At different forums it simply is a tough task.

Thanks to Google’s Transliteration bookmarklet it is simply matters of clicks. If you want to write  यार मस्त कट रही है instead you type “yaar mast kat rahi hai” and this can easily be translated into Devanagri script. Same goes for other languages as well.

Please follow the steps (The same steps are followed for other languages as well, links for other language bookmarklet is given at the end of the page):

  • Drag and drop this link  [अ Type in Hindi] your browser’s bookmark bar
  • Now, when you want to type in Hindi on a particular website just click it once
  • It will enable the translation. You can see in the type box.
  • If want to stop typing in Hindi, click it once again and it will be disabled

Remember: You have to click on the bookmarklet for each website i.e. if you have multiple tabs open, then click on it for each tab. If you opened another website on the same tab you have to click it again to type in Hindi. But it’s not a pain as it is only a matter of a click.

Links for other Languages:
