The latest update for Twitter’s official Android update has left many users sulking. Among several changes, one is the way it used to handle multiple accounts. In previous version, one can simply click on the settings button on the phone to change between various Twitter accounts added to the official Twitter app. But the new update has moved this option and this step has left many people wondering how to switch between user accounts in Twitter.
How To Swicth User Accounts In new Twitter Android App:
In this small tutorial, I’ll tell you how can you change between different Twitter accounts on the new Android app. The tutorial was performed on Samsung Galaxy S2 running on Android Jelly Beans but should be valid for other Android phones as well.
Step 1:
Log in to Twitter app.
Step 2:
Go to the Me tab.
Step 3:
If you have multiple accounts added in the Twitter App, you should see the option of changing the user account besides the Setting button:
When you click on the Switch User button, it should give you the option of switching between all the accounts already linked to the Twitter App.
Voila! Enjoy multiple Twitter user accounts like a pro. If you still having troubles or just want to say thanks, feel free to drop a comment. always happy to hear from readers.