5 Best Alternatives Of Google Play Store

5 best alternatives of Google Play Store

Today Android is the biggest operating system of the world and still growing from day-to-day. Everyday so many new users enter in the new world of Android and search for various amazing apps and games in the Google Play Market. But if you think Google’s Android market is the only place to find android apps then you should better re-think about it. There are many other markets out there which also provide you with various apps and games you can run on your android device.

No matter what you’re looking for, whether a social networking app, games, free and paid apps or any other kind of app, there are a lot of options of markets for you to search in. Below is the list of “5 best alternatives of Google Play Store”.

1. :Amazon App Store

The best recommended and well-known alternative of Google Play Store is the Amazon App Store. Amazon itself launched its Android powered tablet Kindle Fire and made Amazon app store available for Android apps in it. It does not have as many apps as Google Play store has, but it offers a paid premium app for free every day. It currently has about 75,000 Android apps and also known to have better quality control than the Google Play Store. The only problem with Amazon is that it is limited to only U.S., but the good news is that they recently expanded their market to UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain.

2. SlideMe:


SlideMe claims to be the best Google Play Alternative in the world. It is available in the places where Google Play Store is not available. It has a strict quality control and every app has to pass it. SlideMe offers various free and paid apps in different categories and one of its big features is that this market is available globally. It also give high percentage of revenue for paid apps to the developers than any other market.

3. GetJar:


According to the GetJar, it (GetJar) is the world’s largest free app store with more than 3.5 billion downloads. You’ll find various categorized apps, both free and paid. Just like Amazon, GetJar also offer a paid app for free, but unlike Amazon, these offers are not for limited period of one day. Also unlike Amazon, it is available everywhere. There is a reward system in GetJar, which can give you access to premium apps for free.

4. Opera App Store:

Opera App Store

The Opera App Store came in 2011 when Opera purchased Handster. If you use the Opera browser in your Smartphone or tablet, then you probably already know about its App Store. This store is as default on Opera Mobile’s speed dial page. The apps are categorized by Popular New, Free etc. and about 70% of the apps are free.

5. F-Droid:


If you are looking for a market with only free apps, then F-Droid is the place you should check out. The focus of F-Droid is on free and open source apps. There is a big collection of free apps which guarantee no ads, tracking and dependencies. F-Droid has a great feature that it displays apps in different versions of Android like for Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb etc. allowing you to choose the one which suits your device’s version.

These were the just 5 alternatives of Google Play Market, but there are many other markets too which are worth checking out like Android Pit, 1Mobile Market, AppBrain etc. Also, manufacturers offer their own pre-installed app market with apps related to their device, like Samsung has Samsung App for their device and LG has LG Smart World. If you know any other market which can be a part of 5 best alternative of Google Play Store, than do share with us in comments. Meanwhile, check out the “5 iOS banned apps which are available on Android“.

[Review] Reddit Gets Harder To RESist

If you, like me, are a Reddit addict (a Redditic(TM), if you will) and have considered enrolling with the Redditics Anonymous in your locality on several occasions, you should probably stop reading here.

Reddit Logo

If you’re still here, you’re either beyond help, or just a rebel at heart. Either way, here’s something that could help improve your Reddit experience.

RES or Reddit Enhancement Suite is a browser add-on available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari that allows users to customize and enhance their Reddit experience. Like any other add-on, it is easy to install, AND for a change does not require the annoying browser restart after installation. It is automatically used by the browser whenever you browse Reddit.

Overall, the plugin is relatively easy to configure using the “gear” icon on the top right of the screen.

Irresistible features of RES :

Here are the features I found interesting in this browser plugin:

My Dashboard :

Reddit Dashboard

This features allows you to create a Dashboard for yourself – mainly to choose the mails, users and subreddits you like to follow, all on one page.

  • You can choose a Mail widget which lets you choose between Unread messages, Messages, Comment replies, and Post replies.
  • You also have a User widget that allows you follow (read, spy on) comments and posts from a particular Redditor
  • And finally, there’s the Subreddit widget, that lets you see your preferred subreddit(s) on your Dashboard.

Personally, I feel it speeds up the time-wasting process by letting you see all your points of interest on a single page.

Account Switcher:

This feature proves useful for the Reddit veterans with several accounts who need to switch accounts often. It can be activated in the Settings Console under the Accounts tab.

Acctount Switcher in RES

Once configured, you can switch between your various accounts with a simple click, saving you the time of having to log in and log out of accounts if you choose the “keep me logged in” option. Having numerous accounts also allows the configuration of a Dashboard corresponding to each account.

This feature could also be useful on shared computers for different users to save their accounts (even though it might not be the most secure way of going about things).

View Images:

This feature gives you the option of being able to see images in-line WITH the posts (as seen below), instead of having to click on them individually. Especially practical with r/Pics and the likes.

View Images In RES

NSFW Filter:

People who browse Reddit at work or in schools might find this feature highly useful since it automatically hides NSFW posts to prevent that accidental (and potentially dangerous) click.NSFWFilter

User Tagging:

This feature allows you to tag different users with any name you’d like. This might help you to better identify users you recognize. It also provides Gmail-esque color codes for these user tags.

A personal suggestion would also be to use it to identify users as Troll00, Troll01, Troll02 and so on, to save time on comments you needn’t take seriously 😉

Never-ending Reddit:

And FINALLY, it provides you with Never-ending Reddit! This avoids a page reload every time you change pages and lets you see several pages of posts on the same screen.


These features are just the tip of the iceberg and there’s lots more for you to discover once you get acquainted with the add-on. Happy Redditing!!!

Disclaimer : The author is not to be held responsible for any colossal drops in productivity experienced due to the information provided by this article 😛