Delete A Comment On Facebook Page Using Android Mobile Phone [Quick Tip]

Being a Facebook page admin often puts you in delicate situation with unruly, rowdy and impolite fans on the page. You are forced to delete an unwarranted comment left on a post on your Facebook page. This is really easy when you are accessing Facebook through a web browser on your computer but you might be left wondering how to delete a comment on Facebook when you are accessing it on your mobile phone.

Lets take a look at this quick tip that lets you delete a Facebook comment from your mobile. This works on an Android phone (and I hope other touch phones as well).

Here is how to delete a comment on Facebook from mobile:

All you need to do is to go to the comment, move to its right side and then slide your fingers across it, from left to right or right to left. You will see an option popping up for delete. Click on it and the comment will be deleted from the page.


Remember that unlike the web version, this does not provide you several other options such as banning the user, hiding the comment or undoing your action. Though you can do it once you get access to the web version.

How To Schedule Facebook Page Status And Post Updates

As a Facebook page owner you might have realized that the number of likes and shares for a particular update depends heavily on the time of posting. You can analyse it using the Facebook page insights. Some of your exclusive contents go unnoticed simply because you posted it a time when there were hardly users online. While on the other hand, when you post it at the “peak time”, the posts are well received.

According to a , the best time to post an update is in the evening. This timing may vary depending upon page to page. As a page owner you may have some idea about the best timing of the Facebook page updates. The problem faced by the page admins is (was) how to get the most of this timing factor of post updates as one cannot always be online at that certain time. And this is why the new Facebook feature, that allows to schedule Facebook Page Status to any time in past or future, is crucial for the success of a Facebook Page.

Schedule the Page Status and Post updates:

When you write a status or post a link or photo, look for the “clock” symbol on the bottom:

Click on this “clock symbol” to schedule your update. When you click on it, it asks for the year and then month and then day and time respectively. You can provide the details to schedule the post in past or future:

Note: You must have defined the “creation date” of your page. A random date when your page or business (about which the page is) was created. If you have not defined it, it will ask to provide the date for the first attempt at “schedule feature”.

Change the scheduled update:

Once you have scheduled an update and for some reason you want to change the timing of the post, you can do so by visiting the activity log:

In the activity log, you can see the recent activities by you. You can see your scheduled update here. On the right end, there are options for changing the scheduled update to immediate post, changing the scheduled timing or cancelling the update. You can use these options to make changes in the scheduled update.

Now you can enjoy updating your Facebook page while you are partying. Cheers :)

How to Solve: Backspace key does not work in Mozilla Firefox in Ubuntu Linux


Most of us are used-to of using the backspace key to go back to previous page while browsing in Mozilla Firefox. By default, Firefox in Linux doesn’t provide the functionality of pressing backspace for going back to previous page which is quite irritating as it forces one to use the mouse.


A little tweak is required in Firefox configuration to make it work. Here is what you need to do:

  • Open Firefox new tab
  • Type about:config in the address bar
  • Click yes to the warning
  • Now search for browser:backspace_action
  • Double click on it to change its value from 2 to 0

Alternate Solution:

There is another way to go to previous or next pages in any browser, in any OS and that is by using arrow keys. The shortcut is as follows:

  • Alt-Left = back
  • Alt-Right = forward

Questions and suggestions are most welcomed. Cheers :)