Permanently Change Window Scrollback Size Of Putty [Quick Tip]

Putty is a free and open source terminal emulator and probably the best client for SSH in Windows. The one little irritating problem I face while using Putty is the number of lines in the window. The default windows size of Putty is 200 lines. Which means, you cannot see just 200 lines by scrolling back. And these 200 lines are not at all sufficient for programs that have huge logs.

More often than not, I need to see more than 200 lines back in the logs while working. For this purpose, I change the window scrollback size to 20,000 or 50,000. But if you do this, you have to do it every time you use Putty which is not very convenient. Would it not be great if you could permanently change the window scrollback size of Putty so that you won’t have to change it every time?

In this quick tip, I’ll show you how to permanently change the window scroll size of Putty.

Permanently change Putty window scroll size:

I don’t need to tell you that you must have Putty installed beforehand. Follow the steps below to change Putty window size:

  • Open Putty. No need to log in to any session.
  • From the left sidebar, choose Window. In the right pane, see the option of Lines of scrollback. Change it to a value of your choice.
    Permanently change the Window scrollback size of Putty
  • Now, the number of lines in Putty have been increased to 20,000. The next step is to make this change permanent. Choose Session from the left sidebar. Now, from the right pane, click on Default Settings and click on Save.
    Permanently change the Window scrollback size of Putty

That’s it. The next time you use Putty, the window scroll size will we what you had entered. So you can easily see the large logs. Hope it helps you. Questions, suggestions? Feel free to drop a comment below.

How To Transfer YouTube Account To Another Email Address [Quick Tip]

Transfer Youtube account
Do you have a account where you upload videos and all? But your account is linked with your secondary email and you are tired of maintaining two emails at a time. So what to do you do now? Clearly, you want to change YouTube email address. You can simply delete your secondary mail and use your primary one but the problem is that you can’t transfer your YouTube account. Or may be you can. In this quick tip, I am going to show you how to transfer YouTube account to another email address.

How to move YouTube account to another email address

Since the Google has updated his Google Plus integration it has become pretty easy to do that. I think earlier it was not even possible to do that. All you need is a YouTube account, email address to which you want to transfer the ownership of YouTube account and a Google Plus Page. We have attached a video guide below so that it it will be easy for you.


It is mandatory that your YouTube account should be linked with Google Plus page. If your YouTube account is not linked with Google Plus Page, then follow this tutorial on how to allow multiple users to a YouTube account.

Once you have the requirements, follow the steps below:

  • Now, to link another email address, go to the managers tab of the Google Plus page linked to the original YouTube account. Then click on Add Managers.

Send Invitations for Google Plus Page

  • Type the email address which you want to connect.
  • Accept the invitation and then wait for 14 days.
  • After 14 days go to the Managers tab and click on transfer ownership and select the manager to which you want to link your YouTube account.

Add Manages in Google Plus Page

  • Delete the previous manager and now YouTube account will automatically be linked to new email address.

And its done. I hope this guide helped you to move YouTube account to another email address. Did you like this guide? Tell us in comments below so that we make stuff like that.

How To Add Battery Percantage In Android Notification Bar [Quick Tip]

Android BatteryAs an owner of a smart phone,  you must have realized that the battery life of a smart phone is always a thing of concern and it lasts only a few hours if you use your phone to its full capability i.e. access data, play games and music in speakers. Keeping an eye on the battery status helps you in avoiding battery troubles by timely charging it and if you cannot charge then saving the battery left for further usage.

By default Android shows the battery status in graphical way  in the top notification bar. But this notification does not give a clear view of the battery status. One cannot be certain of how much battery is left with the default notification. In this quick tutorial I’ll show you how can you show battery percentage in Android notification bar.

How to show battery percentage in Android notification bar:

  • Go to Settings->Display.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and under More settings, check the option of Display battery percentage.

Android Battery

Voila! Enjoy the battery status in mathematical way 😛 By the way, you may want to follow best practices to get better battery life for your Android phone.