Social Statistics: Google+ statistics at one place

If you are more curious about Google+ and wants to make most out of it, is the place for you. It is the official site from Google that shows Google+ statistics. Google+ Statistics tracks the top 100 users and the most popular posts on Google+.

The funny thing is that the top user on Google+ is Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of Facebook) with Larry Page (Co-Founder of Google) closing in at second spot. Google+ profile widget (like Facebook profile widget) is also available for users to add it on their Blogs/Websites.

The statistics also shows that the Male to Female ratio on Google+ is 86:12 (as of 23 Jul 2011 and based on 38K users who have added their profile on this site). You can also yourself on so that it can start tracking your personal Google+ statistics. You can see how many people added you in their circles, your progression and where you rank in the list of popular Google+ users.