New Crowdfunding Campaign To Build A Statue of Steve Jobs

Fans are crazy. Apple fanboys are crazy. We all must have experienced the nuisance of Apple fanboys at sometime or other. Their devotion towards Apple product will drive you crazy. They will fight (mostly verbally, I hope :P) with you if you say anything against Apple be it Apple Samsung patent war or USB port issue in Apple products. There are also those kind of Apple fanboys who have never used a single Apple product in all their life but they will still support Apple for reasons known to them only.

While Ashton Kutcher starrer Steve Jobs biopic has just been released, a new crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo has surfaced with the goal to make a statue of Steve Jobs. And it is no ordinary statue but rather a Steve Jobs statue bigger than Statue of liberty, no kidding. The aim of the project is to raise $50,000 for this project.

New indiegogo campaign to build a statue of Steve Jobs bigger than Statue of liberty

A contributor can put up anything from $1 to $1995 for various perks such as name on the website, Steve Jobs picture, T-Shirt to invitation to the even and name on the plaque of statute. Despite of a perk as low as $1, the campaign does not seem to be a success. By the time this article was written not even $500 were pitched in. But since the campaign is to run 57 more days and considering the huge number of Apple (and thus Steve Jobs) lover, this target could be achieved. I mean we know that how happily Mac users shell out money for trivial things.

What you think of this campaign? Will Apple fanboys be able to build a statue of Steve Jobs bigger than Statue of Liberty?

Hello World is No More: RIP Dennis Ritchie

Seems like October 2011 is a sad month for tech world. We have lost 3 visionaries who have changed the world by their innovation. First it was Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc then Robert Galvin, Motorola’s cellphone pioneer and now Dennis Ritchie, author of C programming language and co-author of Unix Operating System has died.

If you have ever learned a programming language your first line printed would have been “Hello World” which was Dennis Ritchie’s trademark (if I can say that) when he wrote C language. I found no better to way to pay tribute to Dennis Ritchie than this:

main( )
printf(“Hello World No More \n RIP Dennis Ritchie”);


I just pray that this month doesn’t bring any other bad news. :(