Why is Social Media Optimization so important?

Internet is no more a luxury once it used to be; it has become the means for many people on this planet to earn their bread and living. Some are even making handsome money by working from home and being their own boss. With the increase in web users’ population, internet has seen many revolutionary changes.

First came the revolution of search engines thanks to daddy ‘Google’! Then came the social media and social networking sites, thanks to ‘Facebook’(the biggest of them all!). Now, there is no more a definite distinction between offline and online businesses as the two have been merged by many small and big brands; all thanks to social media.

It has become important for everybody on web to make their presence felt by beating others in the same genre. Thus came the concept of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and everybody were in the battle field trying to optimize their sites, content and products sources so that they were ranked better by search engines. To this date, SEO best practices are being followed by webmasters and companies.

Promotion is always a necessary evil to businesses. Promoting products and stuff by paying for advertising or by word of mouth i.e. the free publicity is all good for business. This means you want people to spread the word and social sites are here to make it happen. As always you need to do your bit to make that happen, tada- SMO (Social Media Optimization) jumps into the picture.

What is SMO?

Social Media Optimization is the process of making your content reach as many people by means of social media. This process of publicity or advertising on social media is done by two ways:

  1. Making your content easily sharable by giving the right options to share in the right places of your business sites. For example: Adding Twitter share button to your content will make it possible for people to easily share your content to their followers.
  2. By providing number of options on your site to connect with you on various social media so as to easily reach your followers and people directly with your content. For example: Your facebook fans get your updates directly in their timeline so must be able to allow people to easily like your fan page by giving them a visible link on your site.

To make it precise, SMO is nothing but making your content easily sharable!

Types of social media that many businesses are making part of their marketing campaign

  •     Social Networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, etc.
  •     Social News and bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit, etc.
  •     Blogs like wordpress, blogspot or dot com, etc.
  •     Wikis, Magazines and Article submission sites like WikiHow, WikiPedia, EZine, etc.
  •     Videos
  •     Content creations through sideshows, etc.
  •     Podcasts
  •     Forums
  •     RSS Feeds
  •     Email and Instant messaging
  •     Photo sharing sites like Flicker, Picassa Web, etc.

Why is SMO important for businesses?

Assuming you know the importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), I begin to share my views on how important it is to start SMO for better business.

SMO is different from SEO and yet it is an integral part of SEO.

As search engines are increasingly utilizing the information (recommendations by users which is believed to be non-profit and honest recommendation!) on social media like Google Plus, Facebook, etc to rank the site and pages. The more you reach your audience through social media the better SEO advantage you get by the way of social search.

Not to mention other advantages like:

  1.      increase in your sales as you reach more potential audience,
  2.      increase in traffic to your blogs or sites by which you can make more money,
  3.     increase in social networking and contacts which may open up more business in future,
  4.     it has great marketing and brand building advantages,
  5.     builds live customer relationships and allows to address any issues thereby gaining the reputation for customer satisfaction,
  6.     an excellent way to make any announcements directly to your customers and followers,
  7.     the stronger the fan base for you the better social influencer you are considered,
  8.     the huge fan following you build, the more likes and votes you get it implies the more trusted you are on web!
  9.     your strong online presence means more business offline.

With so many advantages at hand there is no doubt why big brands and individuals are buying sponsored reviews for their products, sponsored tweets to spread the word, etc. SMO is also an important part and strategy for Online Reputation Management (ORM) and also you can to some extent measure Return On Engagement (ROI). Therefore, make your content easily sharable and also make your presence on social media so people can connect with you for more content.

Just a Tip: There is no way out to beat the great content people always want to share. Content is king and it will always be so no matter what. So create great content and amazing products so that your prospects and potential customers are instigated not only to buy or invest in you but also recommend the same to their friends and followers by sharing it.

Are you Social Media Optimized? Share more tips with us.

How to Make a Hit Mobile Gaming App

With the news that the latest incarnation of Angry Birds – Angry Birds Space – has hit 10 million downloads within just three days of being released, we’ve been thinking: what’s the dead-cert formula for making an ultra-popular mobile gaming app to blow everything else out of the water? Games are the most popular downloaded apps by quite some distance. If, as a developer, you can successfully crack the art of mobile gaming, you’ll be in the money. Here are our hints on how to put together an unstoppable multi-platform mobile game – and as you can see, Angry Birds aces them all. If only we could code, we’d be rolling in it.

1. Short, snappy stages (Angry Birds, Cloudy, Air Control):

This one’s pretty obvious, but with mobile apps, most gamers are going to be using them at bus stops, on breaks at work, or waiting for the second part of Coronation Street to start – keeping your stages short and fast-paced is what it’s all about. If you’re good, no matter how often people sit down thinking they’re just going to play your game for a couple of minutes, you’ll still end up grabbing them for hours.

2. Appeal to the ‘I can do this!’ mentality (Angry Birds, Red Stone, Bejewelled):

Puzzle games will never go out of fashion, particularly when it comes to mobile gaming. We’ve all done it – spent three hours playing the same level again and again, thinking every next turn is going to be the last. The ‘I can do this!’ (or even ‘I will do this!’ for the overconfident) mentality is probably solely responsible for thousands of hours wasted on games. Build a puzzle element into your game and appeal to our inner egotists.

3. Cute, potentially angry animals (Angry Birds, Cat Physics, Bouncy Mouse):

Even those of us who manage to keep ourselves together in front of pet shop windows can’t resist the appeal of mobile games that include cute animals and characters. Maybe it’s the humorous contrast between their large, fluttering eyes and the abhorrent violence you’re about to make them undertake, but I like to think there’s an animal-lover in us all, and it’s in charge of your app downloads.

4. Keep it simple (Angry Birds, Cloudy):

With quad-core handsets set to take the world by storm in 2012, it’s no big surprise that there are plenty of heavy 3D games out there in the iPhone App Store and Google Play. That said, the games with the biggest download rates will always be the ones that everyone can play. Whether you’re on a quad-core Samsung Galaxy S3 or a 600MHz Galaxy Ace, making a game that can play on pretty much any smartphone with no lag is your key to becoming a gaming god.

So what you waiting for? Stop playing other people’s games and start developing your own!

About Author: This post was provided by Simon from Best Mobile Contracts, the UK’s leading mobile phone comparison website. 

How to detect fake Facebook profiles

Facebook used to be a safe place but not any more. There are so many spammers and scammers that create fake Facebook profile for a number of purposes including spamming, scams, marketing, hacking etc. Some of these profiles are created by people pretending to another person or trying to be anonymous while some of these are auto generated for marketing and spamming purposes. A study find out that most of the fake profiles are female and thus has more chances of acceptance. If you get a new friend request from an unknown person please do check, before accepting the request, whether it is a genuine profile or not. Just because the new profile has mutual friends does not mean that it is a real profile. [Read more…]

How to hack Facebook status in the most easy way

Hi folks,

Hacking is always a way to show off your geeky skill. And hacking Facebook and other social media sites are always interesting because of the loopholes in their security features. Since we interact with people on social media sites it gives us access to some of the information which can be used in playing a nice hack-prank against them.

In this tutorial we will see how can we hack Facebook status of a friend (enemy, if you are vengeful :P). The tutorial is based on a Facebook mobile feature where one can use text message to update his/her facebook status. Since Facebook has  a huge number of mobile users there is high possibility that our target person (we will refer the person as victim hereafter) has this feature enabled.

Lets see what do we need in order to hack someone’s  Facebook status:

  1. Access to victim’s phone number.
  2. Victim must have activated text messaging in his mobile settings. (Unfortunately there is no way to find out beforehand whether this feature has been enabled or not)
  3. Access to a website that sends fake sms from any number (We will see it later in the tutorial)
  4. Country specific access code for Facebook mobile (We will see it later in the tutorial)

Step 1:

Assuming that you have victim’s cell phone number and the victims has text messaging activated on his phone, we would proceed to the next step of using  a site that allows to send fake sms from any number. The idea is that we would use this site to send a sms to facebook pretending to be from victim’s number.

There are several websites that can be used for this purpose. I’ll list a couple of those here:

I would suggest to use SMSGlobal which provides 25 free messages for just signing up. All you have to do is to create an account on it. A nice tutorial showing how to use GlobalSMS can be found here.

Step 2:

Now, when we have an account on SMS Global, we need to know the country specific code (its uses will be explained in the next step). Select the code depending upon which country the victim’s cellphone belongs to:

  • United Arab Emitrates: 2474
  • Angola: 42665
  • Argentina: 325
  • Austria: 66468132665
  • Azerbaijan: 3223
  • Bangladesh: 3232
  • Bahrain: 94455
  • Czech Republic: 9996209
  • Algeria: 205
  • Germany: 2665
  • Egypt: 3265
  • Fiji: 3223
  • Guyana: 1559
  • Honduras: 3223
  • Ireland: 51325
  • India: 919232232665
  • Iraq: 1430
  • Italy: 3399932665
  • Jordan: 90906
  • Kenya: 8140
  • Republic of Korea: 2665
  • Kazakhstan: 404
  • Lebanon: 1191
  • Lithuania: 1556
  • Morocco: 600
  • Montenegro: 14777
  • Madagascar: 34665
  • Mauritius: 8466
  • Nigeria: 631
  • Nicaragua: 32740
  • New Zealand: 3223
  • Panama: 4444
  • Poland: 2665
  • Paraguay: 325
  • Qatar: 92255
  • Rwanda: 7777
  • Saudi Arabia: 710700
  • Sudan: 32665
  • Sweden: 3900
  • Slovenia: 3265
  • Thailand: 42665
  • Trinidad and Tobago: 42665
  • South Africa: 13999

If desired country is not listed then the activation code would be: 32665

(To verify whether or not these codes valid, check with )

Step 3:

Now since we have collected our resources, lets move to nail our victim.

  • Login to SMSGlobal
  • Select Send SMS to Number from left sidebar
  • In the Send SMS To field fill the country specific code chosen from Step 2
  • In the Sender ID From field use the victim’s phone number
  • Reply to should be checked on Sender ID
  • In the Message field write a funny (sad, cruel, warning whatever) message. This message will be used as the Facebook status of the victim.
  • If you are successful till here, Your target is down.

This picture should help you in understanding the above mentioned steps:

I hope you find this tutorial easy to understand simple to follow. Questions, suggestion and a word of thanks is always welcomed. Do subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated. Keep Hacking :)

Disclaimer: The tutorial is intended for educational purpose and should be used use as a prank only in a friendly manner. Author cannot be liable for any mischief committed by the readers.

How to quickly change the Month/Year in Windows 7 calendar?

You often use the Windows calendar for viewing the dates, don’t you? But sometimes you may also have come across the need of changing the month/year very quickly. For eg. If today is 4 Apr 2011 and you need to go to December 2004, it will take a hell of a time to reach there. Remember Windows calendar changes chronically day by day (or does it really?). Well, you might not have noticed that it can be changed in another function as well for say month by month, year by year or decade by decade.

How, you ask. Trick is very simple my friend. Open the calendar (by clicking on the time display at the bottom right corner of your desktop/taskbar). Click on the present day (see the red rectangle in the pic).

Now you can see the months in the year and can quickly change the months in that year. If you want to change the year click on the present year like this:

Here you can see the years. Similarly you can move on into decades.

The decade view.

Was it not very simple? Sometimes small things matter big times. Keep enjoying.