Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools To Improve Productivity

Do you own a website, blog or some publication then you might be having some author for it? If there is more than one member in team and they live far from you sometimes it happen that more than one person prepares the same stuff which leads to wastage of time. In order to prevent it we have some online editing documents which helps you to keep up to the date with your team member’s. It even allows you to assign some work to other. Now a day there are many collaborative software’s which help us to keep in touch with team.

Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools


Let’s have a looks at some of the best top 10 collaborative Editing tools

Google Docs

Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Google Docs is the best tools for online editing. It gives you the ability to share, create and edit documents and spread sheets online. It even gives you the ability to share the given documents with any one specific.

Office 365

Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Office 365 is another editing tool. It is actually online edition of Microsoft’s Word. It comes in various packs such as Home Premium, Small Business which one can buy according to their needs.


Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Next spot goes to Quip. This tool is also present at Android and iOS Apps store. This tools has the ability that it can combine both messages and documents into one.


Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Trello comes at fourth place in our list and all the team members of Computer and You use this app. It fits according to our needs. We use it to convey out new ideas. Keep a track of articles in progress and which are submitted.


Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Evernote is another tool which has same functionality of Trello. It is also used to use same stuff. It does have some more vast features but our team doesn’t need them right now, may be in feature we may use that.


Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Writeboard is downgraded version of Google Docs. It has some basic important functions which are essential to any editing document.


Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Zoho is another online document editing Collaborative tool. It has the ability to collaborate with Wiki and edit Word. This tool gives you the ability to even have live discussions. We have video chat in Google Hangouts.


Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Media Wiki gives you the ability to even leave your comments on live documents so that other person can correct it. All the things happen in real time.


Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

There is no need to tell you about Word Press. We all know the abilities of Word Press. All most all the blogs, including ours is on Word Press.


Top 10 Collaborative Editing Tools

Campfire deserves the last place in our list. This tools aims at corporate level. It comes with some heavy price which most of us don’t want to pay. As we get similar functions in other tools.

These are some of the top 10 collaborative editing tools in our list. If you think we forget anyone then do tell us in comments below.

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